以主耶穌為榜樣—-馬太福音11:29[我心裏柔和謙卑, 你們當負我的軛, 學我的樣式, 這樣, 你們心裏的就必得享受安息.][釋義]基督徒的生活, 就像一個負軛的生活.  當時猶太人耕田是由母牛來耕的. 常常兩隻牛並排著來負一個軛.  其中一隻是受過訓練的老牛, 另一隻有時是沒有耕過田的新牛.  新牛自由慣了, 但是旁邊有一隻老年一同在那裏耕. 那隻新牛就學牠的樣子.  我們的主就像這一隻老牛.  今天主不只是與我們一同走, 祂乃是在我們的裏面.  當我們讓主生活在我們裏面的時候, 主的柔和謙卑就要顯明在我們身上.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌. 祢是知曉人內心的神.  雖然外表大家大家都是神的兒女, 但是內心卻有不同的意念與想法.  求祢時常鍳察. 提醒我們, 不使肉體的私慾與驕傲成為隱藏的酵, 敗壞了我們做工的初衷與熱心.  使我們的事奉不是為了私𢜔與驕傲, 而是以主耶穌為榜樣, 在主裡以溫柔, 愛心互相擔待, 竭力保守聖靈所賜合而為一的心. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Following the Example of Jesus Christ – Matthew 11:29 [Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.] [Explanation] The life of a Christian can be compared to a life of bearing a yoke. In those days, Jewish farmers used oxen to plow their fields. Often, two oxen would be yoked together—one being an experienced, trained older ox and the other a younger, untrained one. The young ox, accustomed to freedom, would learn from the older ox by walking beside it and imitating its movements. Our Lord is like that experienced ox. Today, Jesus not only walks alongside us, but He also lives within us. When we allow Him to live through us, His gentleness and humility will be revealed in our lives. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are the God who knows the depths of our hearts. Though outwardly we are all Your children, our thoughts and intentions often differ. We pray that You continually examine and remind us, preventing the desires of the flesh and pride from becoming hidden yeast that corrupts our original intent and zeal in serving You. May our service not be driven by selfish ambition or arrogance, but instead modeled after You, Jesus. Help us to serve with gentleness and love, bearing one another’s burdens, and striving to maintain the unity of the Spirit in peace. We pray this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!