任何人都高不過神—-撒母耳記下17:23[亞西多弗見不依從他的計謀, 就備上驢歸回本城.  到了家, 留下遺言, 便吊死了, 葬在他父親的墳墓裏.][釋義] 亞希多弗是大衛手下精明的謀士, 所獻的計策就像人求問耶和華所得的話一樣.  可是亞希多弗竟背棄道義, 跟大衛的兒子押沙龍串通謀反, 大衛就禱告神說”耶和華啊, 求你使亞希多弗的計謀變愚拙.”  亞希多弗向押沙龍獻計, 挑選一萬二千精兵, 趁大衛倉皇出逃時, 追趕大衛把他殺死.  但押沙龍不聽亞希多弗的計謀, 卻聽戶篩的緩兵之計.  這是耶和華定意破壞亞西多弗的良謀, 為要降禍與押沙龍.  在每個時代中, 都有人被當成神一般的推崇, 可能是因聰明, 才華, 財富, 也可能是外表, 我們可能在不知不覺間如此推崇人, 高過了神.  而當這個被推崇的角色是我們自己時, 我們要儆醒並了解, 只要是人, 和神相比都是軟弱, 無知且非常有限.  獨一真神才是我們必需推崇, 尊榮的對象.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 當我們用世界的眼光來看人, 我們有時會因羨慕他人的某些特質而產生崇拜的心理, 求主耶穌幫助我們定睛於袮, 使我們看任何人都不高過神.  當我們用俗世的眼光看自己, 有時也會因自己符合某些社會標準而心生驕傲, 看自己高過神.  卻不知這時的我們已將自己安在危險之處.  一旦不再順遂, 就找不到自己存在的意義.  求主耶穌賞賜我們謙卑的心, 使我們將自己看得合乎中道, 讓自己在祢所保守的生命道路上儆醒而行. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

No One is Higher Than God – 2 Samuel 17:23 [When Ahithophel saw that his advice had not been followed, he saddled his donkey and set out for his house in his hometown. He put his house in order and then hanged himself. So he died and was buried in his father’s tomb.] [Explanation] Ahithophel was a brilliant counselor in King David’s court, whose advice was as if one had inquired of the Lord. However, he betrayed David and conspired with Absalom, David’s son, to overthrow the throne. In response, David prayed, “O Lord, turn Ahithophel’s counsel into foolishness.” Ahithophel advised Absalom to quickly pursue David with twelve thousand men while David was vulnerable. However, Absalom rejected this advice and instead followed Hushai’s plan to delay. This rejection of Ahithophel’s counsel was the Lord’s intervention, intended to bring disaster upon Absalom. Throughout history, individuals have been elevated as if they were gods, admired for their intelligence, talents, wealth, or appearance. Sometimes, we unknowingly place people above God. Worse, when we elevate ourselves to such a position, we must remain vigilant and remember that no one compares to God. All humans are weak, ignorant, and limited compared to the Almighty. Only God deserves our worship and honor. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, when we view others through the lens of the world, we may sometimes develop admiration that borders on worship due to their abilities or qualities. Help us fix our eyes on You, recognizing that no one is higher than God. When we view ourselves through worldly standards, we may grow prideful, thinking we are above others and even above God. Yet, this mindset places us in great danger, as we risk losing our sense of purpose when things no longer go our way. Lord Jesus, grant us a humble heart so we may see ourselves with sober judgment. Help us walk alertly on the path of life You have prepared, always keeping You as the highest authority in our lives. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!