小草—-詩篇28:7[耶和華是我的力量, 是我的盾牌, 我心裏倚靠祂, 就得幫助.  所以我心中歡樂, 我必用詩歌頌贊祂.][釋義]我知道自己不是溫暖室裏的花朵, 而是小草, 可以任憑踩踏, 卻依然昂首生存.  風雨來, 搖搖頭, 扭扭腰; 雨停了, 又迎向陽光挺直身子, 向上成長.  野火燒不盡, 春風吹又生.  上帝依然能讓它堅強地站起來, 向生命挑戰, 創造出屬於自己的勝利.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是賜生命的主, 在我們生命的旅程中, 雖然遭遇許多試探和磨練, 有時我們可能會被壓倒, 但主祢是我們的力量和盾牌, 祢使我們重新站起來, 保護我們, 使用我們更加堅強, 引領我們向前走, 走向光明勝利的方向, 我們感謝主!禱告昰奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Grass – Psalm 28:7 [The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and He helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song, I praise Him.] [Explanation] I know I am not like a delicate flower sheltered in a warm greenhouse; rather, I am like the grass—trampled upon yet still standing tall. When storms come, I sway and bend, but when the rain stops, I rise again to face the sunlight and grow upward. The fire may burn the grass, but with the spring breeze, it sprouts anew. God enables even the smallest grass to stand strong, to challenge life, and to create its own victory. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the giver of life. On this journey of life, we may face trials and temptations, and at times, we may feel crushed. But Lord, You are our strength and our shield. You help us rise again, protect us, and use challenges to make us stronger. You lead us forward, toward the light and victory. For all this, Lord, we thank You. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!