勞苦擔重擔—-馬太福音11:26[凡勞苦擔重擔的人可以到我這裡來, 我就使你們得安息.][釋義]在這個時代中, 我們和周遭人都常在抱怨好累,  這個累有時來自工作, 家務, 學業; 有時來自心理壓力與人際關係; 有時則來自於社群媒體的轟炸與靜不下來的心.  這些都是主耶穌所說”勞苦”其中的一些面向.  主耶穌知道我們的苦. 為了讓我們過得更輕鬆, 心更平安, 就教導我們兩個方法, 第一個是”到衪面前, 第二個是要學習祂”柔和謙卑.”  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 謝謝祢看到我們的勞苦, 知道我們的重擔, 並願意告訴我們什麼才是徹底解決的方法.  祢不是教我們逃避, 也不是要我們懶惰, 祢所教導的第一個方法是要來到祢面前.  懇求祢讓我們知道每天藉由禱告來到祢面前有多重要.  在祢面前安靜下來交出所有重擔, 我們就能心平安重新得力.  第二個方法, 祢教導我們要學習祢的柔和謙卑.  祢為我們從無人能及的高位下來, 成為僕人形象, 這也是祢要我們學習的樣子.  求主幫助我們, 有成為謙卑樣式的智慧. 並能有柔和的心來面對複雜難解的人生難題.  求主耶穌幫助, 眷顧我們的每一天.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Burdened and Weary – Matthew 11:26 [Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.] [Explanation] In today’s world, we often hear people complain about feeling exhausted. This exhaustion can come from work, household duties, or academic stress. At times, it stems from psychological pressures or interpersonal relationships. It may even arise from the constant bombardment of social media and a restless heart. These are just a few aspects of what Jesus referred to as “weary and burdened.” Jesus understands our struggles. To help us live with ease and peace, He offers two solutions: Come to Him. Learn from His gentleness and humility. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for seeing our weariness, understanding our burdens, and showing us the ultimate solution. You did not teach us to escape or to become lazy. Instead, You call us first to come before You. We ask that You help us recognize the importance of coming to You daily through prayer. When we quiet ourselves in Your presence and surrender all our burdens, we will find peace and renewed strength. The second method You taught is to learn from Your gentleness and humility. You stepped down from the highest place to take on the form of a servant. This is the example You want us to follow. Lord, grant us wisdom to live in humility and the gentleness of heart to face the complex and challenging issues of life. Please help and watch over us each day. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!