生命重於金錢—-[馬太福音16:26[人若賺得全世界, 賠上自己的生命, 有什麼益處呢?人還能拿甚麼換生命呢?]. [釋義]人都是盡力想從世界得些什麼, 無論名利, 地位, 金錢, 快樂等, 都不外乎世界上的事. 其實所得也非常之少, 用盡一生心血, 所得的也不到世千萬分之一, 所能享受的也很有限, 即或是得更多, 卻把生命賠上了. 不但賠上肉體的生命, 連靈魂也赔上了. 因為沒有靈魂的未來作什麽, 那麼有什麼益處呢?[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是在萬有之上, 我在祢裏面就沒有缺乏. 我9們若有賺錢得全世界, 卻失去生命, 失去尊貴的救主, 有什麼益處呢? 我們若有祢, 就有一切的平安, 喜樂和滿足. 求主光照我們, 對生命有正確的價值觀. 不能一昧的追求世界的財富而忽略敬畏祢, 乃要一生全國心敬律順從祢的旨意, 遵行祢的道. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Life Is More Precious Than Wealth – Matthew 16:26 [What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?] [Explanation] People often strive to gain something from the world—whether it’s fame, status, wealth, or pleasure—all worldly pursuits. Yet, even with a lifetime of effort, what we gain is minuscule compared to the vastness of the world. Moreover, even if someone gains great wealth, if they lose their life in the process, it’s all meaningless. Losing one’s physical life is already tragic, but losing one’s soul is even worse. Without a soul’s eternal future, all earthly possessions are utterly worthless. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You reign over all, and in You, we lack nothing. What benefit is there for us to gain the whole world yet lose our lives or forsake our precious Savior? If we have You, we have true peace, joy, and contentment. Lord, please illuminate our hearts so we can have the right perspective on the value of life. Help us not to blindly chase worldly riches while neglecting to revere You. Instead, may we dedicate our lives to worshiping You wholeheartedly, obeying Your will, and walking in Your ways. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!