大衛的得勝—-撒母耳記下8:14[…大衛無論往哪裏去, 耶和華都使他得勝.][釋義]因為大衛一直單純跟隨神, 從撒母記下第八章, 我們可以看到大衛留給後人的典範:1. 隨時回到神的面前認罪, 讓神的旨意勝過世界與肉體.  2. 居安恩危, 國家安靖之時, 仍主動出擊剪除敵人潛在的隱憂.  3.將一切的勝利和蒙恩統統歸給神.  4. 掠得的戰利品及外國貢品不私用, 分別為聖獻給神.  5. 思念建聖殿的事並做準備.  6.  以神的公義治國.  大衛並非不犯罪的完人, 他有私慾也有血氣, 但神仍揀選的他為王, 是因為他的謙卑順服和勇於承擔.  願我們如大衛般的敬畏順服神, 無論往哪裡去, 都與神同行.[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 有人靠車, 有人靠馬.  但我們要提到耶和華我們神的名, 尊祢為聖.  自古以來, 神揀選的從來不是最完美和最有能力的人, 而是謙卑信靠神的人.  願我們在靈裡儆醒, 真實的認識自己的罪, 將生命中的大小事交託給神, 完全的信靠順服, 不論往哪裡去, 都與神相依相行.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

David’s Victory – 2 Samuel 8:14 [The Lord gave David victory wherever he went.] [Explanation] David’s life demonstrates a clear example of unwavering trust and obedience to God. From 2 Samuel 8, we can observe several lessons from David’s victories that serve as a model for us: Repentance – David consistently returned to God to confess his sins, allowing God’s will to triumph over worldly desires and fleshly temptations. Proactive Defense – Even in times of peace, David actively removed potential threats, ensuring long-term security for his kingdom. Acknowledging God’s Role – David attributed all his victories and blessings to God, giving Him the glory for every success. Sanctifying Resources – David dedicated the spoils of war and tributes from foreign nations to God, using them for holy purposes rather than personal gain. Preparation for God’s House – David kept God’s dwelling in mind, planning and preparing for the building of the temple. Ruling with Justice – David governed with God’s righteousness as the foundation of his leadership. David was not a flawless man—he had his own desires and weaknesses. Yet God chose him as king because of his humility, obedience, and willingness to take responsibility. Let us strive to revere and obey God as David did, walking with Him wherever we go. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we will trust in the name of the Lord our God. You have never chosen the most perfect or capable people but instead those who humbly trust in You. Help us to remain spiritually vigilant, to honestly recognize our sins, and to entrust every matter of our lives to You. Grant us the faith to completely rely on and obey You, so that wherever we go, we walk closely with You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!