神的救恩—-啓示錄15:3-4[唱神僕人摩西的歌和羔羊的歌, 說:主神, 全能者啊, 你的作為大哉, 奇哉!萬世之王啊, 你的道途義哉, 誠哉!主啊, 誰敢不敬畏你, 不將榮耀歸與你的名呢?因為獨有你是聖的, 萬民都要來在你面前敬拜, 因你公義的作為已顯出來了.][釋義]耶穌升天前吩咐我們往普天下去, 傳福音給萬民聽; 因為信主受洗的, 必然得救.  不信的, 必被定罪.  獨一真神要萬民都敬拜祂, 祂願意世人都能信靠耶穌而靈命得救.  傳福音是我們信徒的使命, 即使引導人來信主並不容易, 我們仍要盡本份的努力去傳, 把握審判大日來臨前的日子, 讓更多人能因信靠耶穌而得救.  [禱告]榮耀的天父, 聖潔的主, 萬民都當稱謝祢, 在列邦中歌頌祢.  親愛的主耶穌, 祢的旨意是要拯救普天下的萬民脫離罪和死亡, 得以進入所應許的永恆國度.  願基督的愛激勵我們, 不只對自身敬神守道, 更能將福音廣傳於人.  願聖靈感動更多尚未信主的人, 來到祢面前, 慕道並順服主的真理, 與我們同得福音的好處.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的聖名, 阿們!

Bible Study 1252 God’s Salvation—Revelation 15:3-4 [Sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: Great and wonderful are your works, O Lord God, the Almighty! O King of all ages, your ways are righteous and sincere! Lord, who dares not to fear you and give glory to your name? For you alone are holy, and all nations will come and worship before you, for your righteous deeds have been revealed.] [Explanation] Before Jesus ascended to heaven, he commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to all nations; because of faith Those who are baptized in the Lord will be saved. Those who do not believe will be condemned. The only true God wants all people to worship Him, and He wants everyone in the world to believe in Jesus and be spiritually saved. Preaching the gospel is our mission as believers, even to lead people to believe in the Lord. It is not easy, but we still have to do our best to preach and seize the days before the day of judgment so that more people can be saved by trusting in Jesus. [Prayer] Glorious Heavenly Father, Holy Lord, all peoples may Give thanks to you and sing praises to you among the nations. Dear Lord Jesus, your will is to save all people in the world from sin and death and enter the promised eternal kingdom. May the love of Christ inspire us to not only worship God for ourselves If you keep the Word, you will be able to spread the gospel to others. May the Holy Spirit inspire more people who have not yet believed in the Lord to come before you, seek the word and obey the Lord’s truth, and receive the benefits of the gospel with us. This prayer is for the Lord Jesus Christ Holy Name, Amen!