自以為義—-馬太福音12:14[法利賽人出去, 商議怎樣可以除滅耶穌.][釋義]耶穌在安息日行神蹟, 法利賽人視之為挑戰律法, 卻無法在真理上辯駁安息日行善的正當性, 因而視耶穌為仇敵, 欲除之而後快.  耶穌說[凡遵行我天父旨意的人, 就是我弟兄姐妹和母親了.] 祂提醒我們, 守道不應像法利賽人單單執著於外在行為, 而須從內在順服聖靈感動, 竭力追求神的義.  法利賽人自以為義, 故意看不到耶穌的教訓, 反而自絕於神, 也汙衊耶穌行神蹟的權柄是來自鬼王.  基督徒做為神的門徒, 應該摒棄自以為義的自傲, 虛心接自聖經話語的感動與教誨. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝讚美祢為我們安排美善的道路, 透過聖靈引領我們走義路.  主啊!我們常常帶著自己的判斷待人處世, 祢卻藉著聖靈教導我們要虛己按真理行事.  主啊!求祢賜我們一顆清潔的心, 一雙屬祢的眼睛, 看見祢美善的安排, 坦然走在祢的道路上, 飽嚐來自祢滿滿的恩典.  主啊!求祢垂聽我們的禱告, 看顧我們的心, 讓我們常常禱告, 𧫴守對祢的信心. 凡事順服祢的安排, 等候祢的成就.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Self-righteousness – Matthew 12:14 [The Pharisees went out to discuss how they could destroy Jesus.] [Interpretation] Jesus performed miracles on the Sabbath. The Pharisees saw it as a challenge to the law, but they could not do it. The truth refutes the legitimacy of doing good deeds on the Sabbath, so they regard Jesus as an enemy and want to get rid of him. Jesus said, “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother, sister and mother.” He reminded us that keeping the Word should not be like The Pharisees were only obsessed with external behaviors, but had to obey the inspiration of the Holy Spirit from within and strive to pursue God’s righteousness. The Pharisees thought they were righteous and deliberately failed to see the teachings of Jesus. Instead, they alienated themselves from God and slandered Jesus’ actions. The authority of miracles comes from the prince of demons. As disciples of God, Christians should abandon their self-righteous pride and humbly receive the inspiration and teachings from the words of the Bible. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank you and praise you for arranging the goodness for us. path, leading us to the path of righteousness through the Holy Spirit. Lord! We often treat others with our own judgment, but through the Holy Spirit, You teach us to make ourselves empty and act according to the truth. Lord! Please give us a pure heart and a pair of eyes that belong to you, so that we can see your wonderful arrangements, walk calmly on your path, and fully enjoy your full grace. Lord! Please listen to our prayers, take care of our hearts, let us pray often, and keep our faith in You. Submit to Your arrangements in everything, and wait for Your achievements. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!