憑己意而為—-撒母記下18:14-15[約押說”我不能與你留連.” 約押手拿三杆短槍, 趁押沙龍在橡樹上還活著, 就刺透他的心. 給約押拿兵器的十個少年人圍繞押沙龍, 將他殺死.][釋義]一般認為約押拿木棍打押沙龍, 僅是讓他受重傷掉下來, 他十個隨從才一起殺了押沙龍. 至於約押為何不用刀槍?恐怕他也怕大衛查出自己殺了押沙龍. 把押沙龍殺死, 是違抗大衛王明確的命令. 約押明知大衛愛惜押沙龍, 卻憑己意殺死他. 約押看似對大衛忠心, 其實他既未尊重大衛, 也未順從神對大衛家的安排. 神的話語看似簡明易守, 卻時常考驗人心是否遵主為大, 我們守道, 要時時警醒自己, 凡事自問並求告神, 避免口說順從, 卻憑人意而為. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們仰望祢的教訓. 主啊! 我們作為祢的門徒, 凡事都應尊主為大, 求祢的靈幫助我們遠離血氣行事, 也求祢時常施憐憫予我們, 在試探中拯救我們. 主啊!求祢的靈在過犯中拯救我們的心免於沉淪, 願意時時以禱告親近祢, 用心聆聽祢在禱告中的信息, 不再一昧憑己意行事為人, 凡事以高舉祢的名為榮. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Do according to your own will – 2 Samuel 18:14-15 [Joab said, “I cannot stay with you.” Joab took three short spears in his hand and stabbed Absalom while he was still alive in the oak tree. Penetrate his heart. The ten young men who were the armor bearers for Joab surrounded Absalom and killed him.] [Explanation] It is generally believed that Joab hit Absalom with a stick, only to make him seriously injured and fall. Only three of his followers killed Absalom together. As for why Joab didn’t use swords and spears? Perhaps he was also afraid that David would find out that he had killed Absalom. By killing Absalom, he disobeyed King David’s clear command. Joab knew that David loved Absalom, but he killed him on his own initiative. Joab seemed to He was loyal to David, but in fact he neither respected David nor obeyed God’s arrangements for David’s family. God’s words may seem simple and easy to obey, but they often test whether people’s hearts abide by the Lord. As we keep the Word, we must always alert ourselves. , ask yourself and call on God in everything, avoid saying obedience but acting according to human will. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we look to your teachings. Lord! As your disciples, we should magnify the Lord in everything, please Your Spirit helps us stay away from the ways of the flesh, and we ask that You always show mercy to us and save us in temptations. Lord! Ask Your Spirit to save our hearts from destruction in our transgressions. We are willing to draw close to You in prayer at all times. We listen attentively to Your messages in prayer. We no longer act according to our own will. In everything we do, we honor Your name by exalting it. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!