神就是光—-約翰壹書1:5[神就是光, 在祂毫無黑暗. 這是我們從主所聽見, 又報給你們的信息.][釋義]神就是光, 祂全然聖潔, 而魔鬼權下的世界, 是死蔭, 幽暗. 耶穌說”你這睡著的人, 當醒過來, 從死裡復活, 基督就要光照你了.” 我們是否願意進入神的光明中, 倚靠主努力追求光明所結的果子?就是一切良善, 公義, 誠實, 查驗神所喜悅的旨意. 信實, 公義的神, 有豐盛的慈愛憐憫, 我們若認自己的罪, 祂必要赦免我們一切的不義. 我們可否願意虛己謙卑, 離棄黑暗進入光明, 在神得救的道上有份?[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢以真理, 聖潔的光照亮我們, 使我們能進入得救的恩門, 領受寶貴的生命之道. 主啊!感謝祢以如此深厚的慈愛帶領我們, 只要我們願意回轉, 祢就施恩憐恤. 主耶穌, 我們曉得天國是遵行祢旨意的人才能進去, 懇求祢以大能的手扶持我們走在光明的道上. 施恩帶領我們勝過世上的艱難, 以追求良善, 公義, 誠實為標竿, 專心倚靠祢, 有力量離開暗昧的罪惡世界. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
God is light – 1 John 1:5 [God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. This is the message we have heard from the Lord and report to you.] [Interpretation] God is light, He is It is completely holy, but the world under the devil’s dominion is the shadow of death and darkness. Jesus said, “Awake, you who sleep, and rise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” Are we willing to enter the light of God? In, what are the fruits of relying on the Lord and striving to pursue the light? That is, all goodness, righteousness, truth, and the will of God that is pleasing to the eye. The faithful and righteous God is rich in love and mercy. If we confess our sins, He will forgive us all our unrighteousness. Can we be willing to be vain? Humble yourself, turn from darkness into light, and participate in God’s way of salvation? [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father God, You illuminate us with truth and holy light, so that we can enter the door of salvation and receive the precious way of life. Lord! Thank you for leading us with such deep love. As long as we are willing to turn around, you will show mercy and mercy. Lord Jesus, we know that only those who obey your will can enter the kingdom of heaven. We beg you to support us on the bright road with your powerful hand. . Grace leads us to overcome the difficulties in the world, to pursue goodness, righteousness, and honesty as the benchmark, to rely on You wholeheartedly, and to have the strength to leave the dark and sinful world. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!