人對了, 世界也對了—-以西結書36:26[我也要賜給你們一個新心, 將新靈放在你們裏面. 又從你們肉體中除掉石心, 賜給你們肉心.][釋義]以西結明確指出, 神的目的不是懲罰自己的子民之後, 再恢復他們, 乃是要更新他們. 神要將新心和新靈賜給立約的百姓. 這裏的新並非與過去全然斷絕的新, 而是與過去相聯的新. 並且, 心和靈不是指人的某一部分, 而是指全人. 心是包括, 智, 情, 意在內的人性所在之處, 靈則是控制人的思想和行動的本質, 帖前5:23. 神等於是在應許約民, 他們將要成具有嶄新人性的新約百姓. 其實, 我們的確不必埋怨世界是如何的不對勁. 關键難道不就是人自己首先要對勁. 人對了, 世界也就對了. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝讚美祢. 求主賜給我們新的心靈和心思意念, 讓我們改變自己, 除去不好的習慣和品行, 能夠學習更像主耶穌. 世界雖然不安定, 但是讓我們都能夠做好自己, 就能幫助我們的周遭, 我們的國家, 世界也更加美好. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
When people are right, so will the world – Ezekiel 36:26 [I will also give you a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within you. I will take away the heart of stone out of your flesh, and give you I will give you a heart of flesh.] [Explanation] Ezekiel clearly stated that God’s purpose is not to punish His people and then restore them, but to renew them. God wants to give a new heart and a new spirit to the covenant people. Here The new is not a new that is completely cut off from the past, but a new that is connected with the past. Moreover, the heart and spirit do not refer to a certain part of a person, but to the whole person. The heart is human nature including wisdom, emotion, and intention. Wherever it is, the spirit is the essence that controls people’s thoughts and actions, 1 Thessalonians 5:23. God is promising the covenant people that they will become New Testament people with brand-new humanity. In fact, we do not need to complain about how the world is. Something is wrong. Isn’t the key to people themselves first being right? When people are right, the world will be right. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father God, we thank and praise You. Ask the Lord to give us a new heart and mind, so that We can change ourselves, get rid of bad habits and behaviors, and learn to be more like the Lord Jesus. Although the world is not stable, if we can all be ourselves, we can help our surroundings, our country, and the world become better. Pray In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!