屬靈人的產業與福份—-約書亞記13:14[只是利未支派. 摩西沒有把產業分給他們. 他們的產業乃是獻與那耶和華以色列的火祭, 正如耶和華所應許他們.][釋義]生活在世界上, 我們屬於社會中的一員, 總希望能夠擁有屬於自己的產業讓自己能夠立足, 能夠安心, 能感受到保障. 所以我們努力賺錢, 關心物價漲幅, 並思考如何增加資產. 但事實上. 神賜給我更好的身份, 是屬靈的利未人. 神賞賜我們能夠服事祂的機會, 讓我們在過程當中品味與神親近的甘甜, 這真是我最大的產業和福分. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 為了生活的安穩, 我們總希望自己能擁有足夠的產業, 來滿足自己以及家人的需要. 所以我們付出努力, 掙扎著找出可以獲取更多屬世產業的方法. 在這當中. 我們甚至犧牲了與祢親近的時間和機會. 但當我們想到利未人得以服事創造萬有的主, 是別人所奪不走的福分. 我便明白服事祢. 是我們身為神的孩子, 最重要的福份. 教會教堂的產業讓我們得以與祢更親近, 形塑我們成為更合祢心意的様子. 求主耶穌持續加添我們堅定的事奉心態. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
The Inheritance and Blessings of the Spiritual Man – Joshua 13:14 [But to the tribe of Levi. Moses did not give them an inheritance. Their inheritance was an offering made by fire to the LORD Israel, just as the LORD Promised to them.] [Interpretation] Living in the world, we are members of society. We always hope to have our own industry so that we can gain a foothold, feel at ease, and feel protected. Therefore, we work hard to make money and care about price increases. , and thinking about how to increase assets. But in fact, God has given me a better identity, that of a spiritual Levite. God gives us the opportunity to serve Him, allowing us to taste the sweetness of being close to God in the process. This is really my greatest inheritance and blessing. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, in order to live a stable life, we always hope that we can have enough inheritance to meet the needs of ourselves and our families. So we work hard and struggle to find out. There are many ways to gain more worldly inheritance. In this process, we even sacrifice the time and opportunity to be close to You. But when we think about the fact that the Levites are able to serve the Lord who created all things, it is a blessing that cannot be taken away by others. I understand that serving you is the most important blessing for us as children of God. The inheritance of the church allows us to get closer to you and mold us into children more in line with your heart. Please Lord Jesus Continue to increase our firm service mentality.