神的驗中—-帖撒羅尼迦前書2:4[但神既然驗中了我們, 把福音託付我們, 我們就照樣講, 不是要討人喜歡, 乃是要討察驗我們心的神喜歡.][釋義]”驗中”為召, 揀選, 看中, 認可, 批准, 派定. 保羅在此分享, 他作為基督的使徒何以能夠在遭遇大逼迫時, 超越個人生死只為傳神的福音, 並且在與眾弟兄姊同在時, 存心溫柔, 不自恃, 不向人求榮耀. 是因為保羅看中神的驗中!在原文中, 此驗中有繼續不斷察驗的意思. 神所驗中的, 神才託付;而託付之後, 神仍然繼續察看. 唯有人按著神的吩咐照樣講, 不帶有個人利益與情感的考量, 忠於所託, 討主喜悅, 才能通過察驗. 願我們都看中神的驗中, 凡事討主喜悅. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 因著祢的恩典, 讓我們現在能暫時放下手邊的工作, 一同跪在祢跟前, 讚美感謝祢, 也為全體教會弟兄姊妹與我們個人的信仰禱告, 祈求神. 求主察驗我們有意願為神而做的心, 加添我們屬靈的膽量, 能放膽傳講神的話. 求主賞賜我們有受教者的舌, 聖經如何教導, 我們就照様傳. 願主親自帶領同在, 使我們用各樣的智慧將基督的道理, 豐豐富富的傳揚出去, 讓更多人認識奇妙的救主. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
God’s approval—1 Thessalonians 2:4 [But since God has approved us and has entrusted us with the gospel, let us speak likewise, not to please men but to please God, who searches our hearts Like.] [Interpretation] “Examined” means calling, choosing, favoring, approving, approving, and appointing. Paul shares here how, as an apostle of Christ, he was able to transcend personal life and death only to preach God’s message when encountering great persecution. The gospel, and when with the brothers and sisters, be gentle in heart, not self-reliant, and not seeking glory from others. This is because Paul values God’s approval! In the original text, this test means continuous testing. God only entrusts what God has approved; and after entrustment, God continues to observe. Only people can speak according to God’s instructions, without personal interests or emotions. Only by being faithful to what is entrusted and pleasing the Lord can we pass the test. May we all see God’s test and please the Lord in everything. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father God, we thank you that because of your grace, we let you We can now temporarily put down the work at hand, kneel before You together, praise and thank You, and pray for all the brothers and sisters in the church and our personal faith, and ask God. May the Lord examine our willingness to do things for God and increase our Our spiritual boldness enables us to speak the word of God boldly. May the Lord grant us a teachable tongue so that we can preach according to what the Bible teaches. May the Lord personally lead and be with us, enabling us to use all wisdom to spread the truth of Christ richly, so that more people can know the wonderful Savior. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!