悟性禱告—-哥林多前書14:14[我要用靈禱告, 也要用悟性禱告;我要用靈歌唱, 也要用悟性歌唱.][釋義]悟性指人魂裏的心思, 它的功用是給予人思考和理解力. 信徒要在靈裏禱告, 也要透過心思將靈感用話語發表出來. 靈與心思彼此合作, 直到心意更新而變化. 讓這份恩典不單單存在我們各人, 而是讓神的愛透過言語進入更多人的內心, 去堅固彼此, 或是讓不認識神的人能聽懂這份美好的福音. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝祢. 祢賜下寶貴的聖靈作我們的保惠師, 要我們從內心至外在所言所行都有祢的様式, 有祢的靈帶領. 如今我們除了以靈與祢相通, 也要學習保羅以悟性的方式來禱告, 來歌頌, 把祢所賜的恩典用大家聽得懂的言語傳播, 堅固教會. 求祢賜我們愛心, 使我們不單單顧自己的事, 也要顧別人的事. 若我們的恩賜缺少了愛, 一切都沒有意義. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Pray with understanding – 1 Corinthians 14:14 [I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding; I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding.] [Interpretation] Understanding refers to the human soul. The function of the mind is to give people the ability to think and understand. Believers must pray in the spirit and express their inspiration in words through the mind. The spirit and the mind cooperate with each other until the mind is renewed and changed. Let this grace not be It only exists in each of us, but allows God’s love to enter more people’s hearts through words, to strengthen each other, or to allow people who do not know God to understand this beautiful gospel. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father God, thank you. You have given us your precious Holy Spirit as our Comforter, so that everything we say and do from the inside to the outside must be in your pattern and guided by your spirit. Now, in addition to communicating with you in spirit, We must also learn from Paul to pray and sing with understanding, spread the grace you have given us in words that everyone can understand, and strengthen the church. Please give us love so that we not only care about our own things, but also care about ourselves. Others’ affairs. If our gifts lack love, everything is meaningless. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!