得罪耶和華—-撒母耳記下12:13-14[大衛對拿單說:”我得罪耶和華了!”. 拿單說:”耶和華已經除掉你的罪. 你必不至於死.  只是你行的事, 叫耶和華的的仇敵大得褻瀆的機會, 故此, 你所得的孩子必定要死.][釋義]大衛犯了姦淫, 殺人.  大衛在詩篇51篇的認罪之後, 與神的交通恢復.  神雖除掉大衛的罪, 但神並不會因此就取消大衛因過錯帶來的一切後果.  耶和華有權柄對大衛除罪不免刑.  孩子的死對大衛而言, 也許比自己死還要痛苦, 這不是神對通姦所生孩子的刑罰, 而是對大衛的懲治與管教.  神還要大衛去建立以色列的國度, 不忍心讓以色列族陷入危亡.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是公義且富有憐憫的主, 我們敬畏事奉祢.  主啊!我們在世行事為人, 有時無法遵守祢的教訓, 甚至犯罪, 求祢赦免我們隱而未現的罪, 我們也願意在禱告中謙卑認過並真心悔改.  主啊!求祢的靈時常與我價同在. 救我們脫離試探, 及時出手引導我們遠離犯罪.  我們願意時時親近祢, 聆聽遵從祢的話語,  背起自己的十字架, 凡事榮耀祢的聖名.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Sin against the Lord – 2 Samuel 12:13-14 [David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord!”. Nathan said, “The Lord has taken away your sin. You will not die.” . But what you have done has given the enemies of the Lord great opportunity to blaspheme, so the child you have received will surely die.] [Explanation] David committed adultery and committed murder. After David confessed in Psalm 51, he and God’s fellowship was restored. Although God removed David’s sins, God would not cancel all the consequences of David’s mistakes. Jehovah had the authority to remove David’s sins without exempting him from punishment. The death of the child was a serious matter to David. It may be more painful than his own death. This is not God’s punishment for the children born of adultery, but God’s punishment and discipline for David. God also wanted David to establish the kingdom of Israel, and could not bear to let the Israelites fall into danger. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are a just and merciful Lord, and we serve You with reverence. Lord! As we behave in this world, we sometimes fail to abide by Your teachings and even commit sins. Please forgive us for hiding and not showing up. We are also willing to humbly confess our sins in prayer and sincerely repent. Lord! I ask that Your Spirit will always be with me. Save us from temptation and guide us away from sin in time. We are willing to stay close to You at all times, listen and obey Your word, take up your cross, glorify your holy name in everything. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!