安息日—-出埃及記20:8[當記念安息日, 守為聖日.][釋義]神在六天中創造天地萬物和人類之後, 第七天就安息了. 其實神不會疲累, 也不需要休息. 安息日是為人設立的. 藉著安息日, 也要讓在萬物齊全的環境中受造的人, 記念神創造的美好. 每逢聖日. 應放下世上的私情俗慮. 身心靈都當分別為聖. 在恩典中敬拜, 蒙福, 享受身心安息的屬靈之樂. 這樣的喜樂正是來自安息日的恩典.[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 安息日是祢為人所設立的, 祢特別將安息日與六日分別出來. 為要使我們在主裡好好休息. 主啊!求祢幫助我們, 在安息日掉轉腳步, 放下自己想做的事情. 在身心靈安息中親近祢, 歌頌敬拜, 讀經聽道, 領受靈糧, 虔敬禱告. 與主相親, 同靈團契, 互相勉勵. 在神家裡, 蒙祢賜福, 得享祢所應許的屬靈喜樂. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Sabbath – Exodus 20:8 [Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.] [Explanation] After God created the heaven, earth, all things and mankind in six days, he rested on the seventh day. In fact, God will not Even if you are tired, there is no need to rest. The Sabbath was established for man. Through the Sabbath, man, who was created in the complete environment of all things, can remember the beauty of God’s creation. On every holy day, he should put aside his personal feelings and worldly worries in the world. . Body, mind, and soul should be sanctified. Worship in grace, be blessed, and enjoy the spiritual joy of physical and mental rest. Such joy comes from the grace of the Sabbath. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, the Sabbath is your gift for humanity. You specially set apart the Sabbath from the six days when you established it so that we can have a good rest in the Lord. Lord! Please help us to turn around on the Sabbath and let go of what we want to do. Get close to You in rest of body, mind and soul, sing praises and worship, read scriptures and listen to sermons, receive spiritual food, and pray devoutly. Get close to the Lord, fellowship in the same spirit, and interact with each other. Encourage. In the house of God, I am blessed by you and enjoy the spiritual joy you promised. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!