撒種—-馬太福音 13:8[又有落在好土裏的, 就結實, 有一百倍的, 有六十倍的, 有三十倍的.][釋義]主耶穌在撒種的比喻中, 提出四種心田, 分別是路旁, 土淺石頭地, 荊棘, 及好土. 最後只有好土結出豐盛的果實. 我們領受神的道, 明白祂真理的奧祕, 為信仰向下紮根. 然而若在心中仍被世上的思慮, 物質的誘惑和各樣的私慾所捆綁, 就如同落在三種不好的心田中, 雖然辛苦撒種, 最後還是枯槁了. 求主保守我們的心, 勝過保守一切. 將信心紥根在真理與基督中, 如同落在好土的種子, 最後結出好果子. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌. 感謝祢賞賜日用的飲食, 並保守我們走在主的道路上, 使我們脫離凶惡. 在資訊發達的時代, 人們汲汲營營, 紛紛追求求更好的物質生活, 不知不覺落入魔鬼的網羅當中, 漸漸遠離了教會, 遠離了神, 就像撒種在不好的心田. 祈求祢將智慧與真理撒在我們好土的心田上, 種出豐盛的好果實. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Sowing seeds – Matthew 13:8 [And some fell into good soil and bore fruit, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.] [Explanation] The Lord Jesus is sowing. In the parable, four kinds of hearts are proposed, namely roadside, rocky ground, thorns, and good soil. In the end, only good soil bears abundant fruits. We receive God’s way, understand the mystery of His truth, and pray for faith. However, if your heart is still bound by worldly concerns, material temptations and various selfish desires, it will be like falling into three bad hearts. Although you have sown hard, it will wither in the end. Ask the Lord to protect you. Our heart is more protective than anything. Root our faith in the truth and Christ, like seeds that fall on good soil, and eventually bear good fruit. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus. Thank you for your daily bread and your protection. We walk on the path of the Lord, which frees us from evil. In the era of advanced information, people are busy pursuing a better material life. Unknowingly, they fall into the snare of the devil, and gradually drift away from the church and away from the church. God, we are like sowing seeds into bad hearts. I pray that You will sow wisdom and truth into our good soil and sow an abundance of good fruits. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!