愚蒙與通達—-箴言14:15[愚蒙人是話都信, 通達人步步𧫴慎.][釋義]不要太在意別人說你什麼, 打聽到或偷聽來的事, 不一定是真, 也許他人只是信口開河, 你若信以為真, 必然亂了陣腳和方寸, 連正常的生活和工作也會受到極大的干擾.  信徒當繫好真理的腰帶, 弗6:14, 在相信基督的信心中. 確定各様生活原則, 進行真理的爭戰, 林前9:26.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們生活在這網路發達, 資訊廣闊的的時代, 常常會收到詐騙不實, 晦淫晦盜, 異端邪說的訊息.  求主賜給我們聰明智慧, 能夠分辨是非,  免得中了奸人的詭計, 迷失自己, 成為愚蒙人.  博學, 審問, 慎思, 明辨, 篤行, 才能成為通達人.  要十分𧫴慎, 仔細察驗和判斷真偽, 也不傳達流言斐語, 免得傷害自己或傷害別人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Foolishness and Prudent – Proverbs 14:15 [A foolish person believes everything he says, but a prudent person is cautious about every step he takes.] [Explanation] Don’t pay too much attention to what others say about you, what you hear or overhear. It may not be true, maybe others are just talking nonsense. If you believe it is true, you will definitely lose your position and direction, and even your normal life and work will be greatly interfered with. Believers should fasten the belt of truth, Ephesians 6:14, before believing In the faith of Christ. Determine all life principles and fight for the truth, 1 Corinthians 9:26. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father God, we live in this era of developed Internet and vast information, and we often receive scams. Information that is untrue, obscene, obscene, and heretical. May the Lord grant us wisdom and wisdom to distinguish right from wrong, lest we fall into the trap of treacherous people, lose ourselves, and become fools. Be knowledgeable, interrogate, think carefully, discern clearly, and practice diligently. , to become a wise person. Be very cautious, carefully examine and judge the authenticity, and do not spread rumors to avoid hurting yourself or others. Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!