真理得以自由—-約翰福音8:32[你們必曉得真理, 真理必叫你們得以自由.][釋義]真理在客觀方面指神的啓示, 使人明白神的旨意, 藉以得著救恩;  在主觀方面, 指基督自己, 祂是神啓示的中心, 是神救恩的具體表現.  自由使人免受律法, 罪惡, 魔鬼及死亡的轄制與命定.  真理與自由息息相關, 為一體的面.  內心真理的照明, 才能自由自在的行之於外,  而不受任何人為的干預與約束.  但不按照真理而行的自由, 遲早必會喪失自由.  經歷神的同在, 才得以真自由.  有時, 我們感到心有千千結, 總是越解越糾結; 身有層層鎖, 猶如被囚, 難以動彈. 其實卻不知, 只要放輕鬆, 轉換心思. 輕輕一推, 就能打開心門, 邁向海闊天空.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是我們的救主, 將我們從罪惡中得釋放, 成為自由.  求主憐憫, 許多時候我們仍有很多的憂愁掛慮, 心有千千結, 身有重重鎖, 使我們痛苦難過.  求主讓我們相信祢的應許, 明白祢的真理. 使我們心靈得著釋放, 成為真正有自由和喜樂的人. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The truth makes you free – John 8:32 [You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.] [Interpretation] Truth refers to the revelation of God in the objective aspect, allowing people to understand God’s will and gain salvation; in the subjective aspect, refers to Christ himself, who is the center of God’s revelation and the concrete expression of God’s salvation. Freedom frees people from the control and destiny of law, sin, the devil, and death. Truth and freedom are closely related, and for are aspect of one. Only with the illumination of the inner truth can we freely walk outside without any human interference or restriction. But the freedom to not act according to the truth will sooner or later lose freedom. Only by experiencing the presence of God can we Be truly free. Sometimes, we feel that there are thousands of twists in our hearts, and they always become more and more tangled as we unravel them; our bodies are chained, like being imprisoned, making it difficult to move. In fact, we don’t know that as long as we relax and change our minds, with a gentle push, You can open your heart and step towards the vast sea and sky. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are our Savior, you free us from sin and make us free. Please have mercy, many times we still have a lot of sorrow and worry. There are thousands of twists in our hearts and many chains in our bodies, which cause us pain and sorrow. Please Lord, let us believe in Your promises and understand Your truth. Release our hearts and become truly free and joyful people. This prayer is for the Lord. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!