新舊兩約的奧祕—-馬太福音13:52耶穌說[凡文士受教作天國的門徒, 就像一個家主從他的庫裏拿出新舊的東西來.][釋義]文士熟習舊約聖經, 是律法的專家和教師.  文士能受教成為天國的門徒, 是既認識舊約律法, 又見證了耶穌基督降世成全律法, 所立新約的恩典.  耶穌說, 這就像家主把新舊的東西都拿出來了.  恩典的新約是舊約的實體.  耶穌為眾人受死成為全了舊約的應許, 普世萬民得揀選真理的道路, 不再是𧫴守律法的規條, 而是轉為恩典的救贖.  可惜當時的猶太人還是緊抱律法的舊約.  原是擁抱律法的文士能作天國的門徒, 必是從基督身上看見舊約應許的實現, 選擇相信基督新約的恩典.  文士受教作門徒, 是當年耶穌對猶太聽眾的期許, 何嘗不是對任何一位聽聞天國福音者的呼召?[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們感謝祢, 使我們活在祢奇妙的救贖計中.  也感謝祢賜下聖靈, 使我們明白新舊兩約中的奧袐.  主啊!祢降臨世界, 將救恩施予萬民.  祢說:我來不是要廢棄律法, 而是要成全.  祢為萬物民犧牲在十字架上, 成全了舊約律法的應許與限制.  萬民只要信, 歸入祢名下, 就蒙救贖, 領受祢賞賜的恩典.  主耶穌, 謝謝祢.  願主賜給我們屬靈的眼睛, 從查考祢的道中深刻領悟救贖之恩, 並聽從祢的命令去傳福音, 做天國的門徒.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Mysteries of the Old and New Testaments – Matthew 13:52 Jesus said [Every scribe who is taught to be a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a householder who brings out of his treasury both old and new things.] [Explanation] The scribes are familiar with the Old Testament. , are experts and teachers of the law. The scribes can be taught and become disciples of the kingdom of heaven because they not only know the law of the Old Testament, but also bear witness to the grace of the New Covenant established by Jesus Christ who came into the world to fulfill the law. Jesus said, This is like the head of a household showing both the old things and the new things. The new covenant of grace is the reality of the old covenant. Jesus died for everyone to fulfill the promises of the old covenant. All people in the world can choose the way of truth and no longer have to keep the rules of the law. It turns to salvation by grace. Unfortunately, the Jews at that time still clung to the Old Testament of the law. Originally, the scribes who embraced the law could become disciples of the kingdom of heaven because they saw the fulfillment of the Old Testament promises in Christ and chose to believe in them. The grace of the New Testament of Christ. For the scribes to be taught and become disciples was Jesus’ expectation for the Jewish listeners. Is it not a call for anyone who hears the gospel of the kingdom of heaven? [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for allowing us to live in Your wonderful plan of redemption. We also thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit, which enables us to understand the mysteries of the Old and New Testaments. Lord! You came to the world and gave salvation to all peoples. You said: I came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. You sacrificed on the cross for all people, fulfilling the promises and restrictions of the Old Testament law. As long as all people believe, By being called into your name, we are redeemed and receive the grace you bestow. Lord Jesus, thank you. May the Lord give us spiritual eyes to deeply understand the grace of redemption from studying your way, and obey your command to preach Gospel, be disciples of the Kingdom of Heaven. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!