心歸向主—-路得記1:16路得說[不要催我回去不跟隨你, 你往哪裏去, 我也往那裏去; 你在哪裏住宿, 我也在那裏住宿;你的國就是我的國, 你神就是我的神.][釋義]這是一個揀選道路最好的榜樣.  摩押女子路得, 當丈夫死後, 決心要跟隨婆婆回以色列地去.  她甘願離開本族, 父家, 親友, 去一個完全陌生的地方, 真是前途茫茫.  然而她甘願跟隨婆婆去事奉真神,   她的嫂嫂可以去找一位新夫, 有一個新家, 但一生如草木般的過去.  路得又因此大大蒙福. 成為大衛王的曾袓母, 在耶穌的家譜上有分, 路得記描述她一心歸向主的傳奇人生.[禱告]親愛的主耶穌. 在我們當中, 有人從小信主.  有人長大後渴慕神, 體驗神而受洗歸主.  不論是哪一種, 都是主的揀選, 讓我們能夠成為神的兒女!神愛世人, 願萬民得救.  求聖靈幫助我們, 因神的愛能顧念他人.  用安慰的話引導別人相信神; 也求聖靈帶領我們, 在追求奔跑天路的過程中, 能夠一心歸向主.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

A Heart Turned to the Lord—Ruth 1:16 Ruth said, “[Do not urge me to leave you or to turn back from following you. Where you go, I will go; where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God my God.]” [Interpretation] This is a great example of choosing the right path. Ruth, a Moabite woman, after the death of her husband, decided to follow her mother-in-law back to Israel. She was willing to leave her own people, family, and friends to go to a completely unknown place, facing an uncertain future. Yet, she was willing to follow her mother-in-law to serve the true God. Her sister-in-law could find a new husband and have a new family, but she would live her life like grass that withers away. Ruth was greatly blessed because of her choice. She became the great-grandmother of King David and is included in the genealogy of Jesus. The book of Ruth describes her legendary life of wholeheartedly turning to the Lord. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, among us, some have believed in You since childhood, and some have sought and experienced God and were baptized to become believers later in life. No matter the path, it is Your choice that allows us to become children of God! God loves the world and desires all people to be saved. We ask the Holy Spirit to help us, so that with God’s love we may care for others, guiding them with comforting words to believe in God; we also ask the Holy Spirit to lead us, on our pursue of the heavenly path, we may wholeheartedly turn to the Lord. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!