不同方法—-歌羅西書1:28[我們傳揚他, 是用諸般的智慧, 勸戒各人, 教導各人, 要把各人在基督裏完完全全地引到神面前.] [釋義]傳福音的方法不止一種, 於不同的環境, 文化和背景, 採不同的方法, 都可以收到同樣的效果.  但願我們的工作, 講論, 生活, 為人都能彰顯主的恩典, 都能將人引到神面前, 更認識神, 敬畏神, 親近神, 使每個人都成為禱告的人.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢愛世人, 祢願萬人得救, 不願一人沉淪.  我們領受了祢的救恩, 也當遵從祢的吩咐, 將福音傳給周圍的人.  求主幫助我們, 能夠用諸般的智慧, 不同的方法向不同的人傳講福音, 讓他們有機會聽見又相信, 因為有一人相信. 天上的天使都會為他歡喜.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

 in Different Ways—Colossians 1:28 [We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.]

[Interpretation] The method of spreading the gospel is not limited to one approach. In different environments, cultures, and backgrounds, different methods can achieve the same effect. May our work, speech, life, and conduct all reflect the grace of the Lord, leading people to God, helping them to know God, fear God, and draw closer to Him, so that everyone becomes a person of prayer. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You love the world and desire that all people be saved, not wanting anyone to perish. We have received Your salvation and should follow Your command to spread the gospel to those around us. Lord, help us to use all wisdom and different methods to share the gospel with different people, giving them the opportunity to hear and believe, for when even one person believes, the angels in heaven rejoice. We pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!