約拿單的信心—-撒母耳記上14:6[約拿單對拿兵器的少年說:”我們不如到未受割禮人的防營那裏去, 或者耶和華為我們施展能力, 因為耶和華使人得勝. 不在乎人多人少.”] [釋義]本節經文突顯了約拿單出於信心的拯救行動.  因為耶和華使人得勝, 不在乎人多人少. 這句話體現了約拿單的信仰, 他相信勝利的關鍵不在乎力量的大小, 而在乎神的幫助.  這與基甸, 大衛, 所羅門, 亞撒, 希西家等人的信仰一脈相通.  因為, 約拿單作戰並不是為了自己的功名, 乃是為了對神的仇敵進行聖戰.  神這次只興起約拿單和他的隨從, 又使用地震. 好讓百姓認識到得勝不是根據人多人少, 也不是倚靠約拿單的父親掃羅王的領導能力, 完全昰倚靠神. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢時刻看顧保護我們.  天父啊!我們帶著肉體, 時常有軟弱; 環境的挫折, 身體的病痛, 常常使我價陷入擔憂, 害怕. 焦慮不安, 擔心自己力量不足. 不知如何勝過困苦患難.  親愛的天父, 求祢的聖靈幫助我們, 讓我們有信靠順服的心, 心中才有平安.  人非常微小, 然而主祢有大能.  只要相信神, 順服祢帶領, 祢必能為我們施展能力, 保護我們.  就如經上所說,[得勝乃在乎耶和華!] 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Jonathan’s Faith: 1 Samuel 14:6 [Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let us go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act on our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.”] [Interpretation]This verse highlights Jonathan’s act of salvation driven by faith. He believed that victory does not depend on the size of one’s force but on the help of God. This belief is consistent with the faith of Gideon, David, Solomon, Asa, Hezekiah, and others. Jonathan’s battle was not for personal glory but to wage a holy war against the enemies of God. In this instance, God raised only Jonathan and his follower, and even used an earthquake, so that the people would recognize that victory is not determined by numbers, nor by the leadership of Saul, Jonathan’s father, but solely by relying on God. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for constantly watching over and protecting us. Father, we are clothed in flesh and often experience weakness. The frustrations of our circumstances and the pains of our bodies often lead us to worry, fear, anxiety, and concern about our own insufficiency. We don’t always know how to overcome our trials and difficulties. Dear Heavenly Father, we ask that Your Holy Spirit help us, giving us hearts that trust and obey so that we may have peace within. We are small, but You, Lord, are mighty. As long as we believe in You and follow Your guidance, You will show Your power and protect us. As it is written, “Victory belongs to the Lord!” We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!