我行我素得罪神—-撒母耳記上14:35[掃羅為耶和華築了一座壇, 這是他初次為耶和華築的壇.][釋義]舊約時的祭司鼓勵人凡事應当先求問神, 但掃羅在位期間, 只有在山窮水盡之時, 才求問神.  他作為王好幾年以後, 才為神建起第一個祭壇, 作為最後的依靠.  假如掃羅作王以後頭一件事就昰為神築起祭壇, 謙卑求問神, 他就不至於我行我素得罪神.  我們反思自己, 是不是凡事都求告神. 懇求神施恩帶領, 不要等到計窮力竭時, 才想到全能的神.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢愛我們, 常看顧保護我們, 我們滿心感謝.  帶著肉體的我們常有軟弱, 挫折與病痛.  常使我們焦慮不安, 不知如何信靠主.  懇求聖靈幫助我們, 給我們信靠順服的心.  凡事都先求問祢, 順服祢的帶領, 祢必領我們走在神的道路上.  不要我行我素得罪神.   禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Doing Things My Way Offends God — 1 Samuel 14:35 [Saul built an altar to the Lord; it was the first altar he had built to the Lord.] [Explanation] In the Old Testament, priests encouraged people to seek God’s guidance in all things. However, during Saul’s reign, he only sought God when he was in desperate situations. It was only many years into his kingship that he built his first altar to God, as a last resort. If Saul had built an altar to God right after becoming king, humbling himself to seek God’s guidance, he would not have acted according to his own will and offended God. We should reflect on ourselves—are we seeking God’s guidance in all things? We should earnestly ask for God’s grace and leadership, rather than waiting until we are at the end of our rope to remember the Almighty God. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You love us and always watch over and protect us, and we are deeply grateful. We, who live in the flesh, often experience weakness, frustration, and illness, which can cause us anxiety and uncertainty about how to trust in You. We earnestly ask the Holy Spirit to help us, giving us hearts that trust and obey. May we seek Your guidance in all things and follow Your lead, for You will surely guide us on the path of God. Help us not to act according to our own will and offend God. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!