迦南母親的信心—-馬太福音15:28[耶穌說”婦人. 你的信心是大的, 照你所要的, 給你成全了吧!”從那時候, 她女兒就好了.] [釋義]這位絕望中的母親, 來到耶穌面前, 她祈求耶穌醫治她那被鬼附身, 活在痛苦中的女兒.  她堅持地祈求, 因為不放棄女兒.  她謙卑的祈求, 因為知道自己不配.  她充滿信心的祈求. 因為相信神有豐盛的恩典.  父母大都關愛孩子, 恨不得能替孩子承受苦難.  但這位絕望的母親, 勇敢地把女兒的需要和痛苦, 帶到耶穌的面前, 主的恩典將她的絕望變為盼望, 綑綁的生命得著真正的自由.  從迦南這位母親與主的對話, 可看出這位母親堅定地認定主耶穌是她唯一的拯救,  她這種態度, 乃是信心的表現.  真實的信心, 乃是根據對主有正確的認識.  我們認識主有多少, 對祂的信心也就有多少.  我們對主的信心有多少, 就能享受主的能力有多少. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌. 我們向祢禱, 祢是全知, 全能的神.  祢知道我們的難處, 祢也關懷我們的需要.   主啊!求祢賜給我們信心, 堅持禱告, 真正地交託.  祢已將我們的生命用重價贖回.  我們是祢的兒女. 祢未曾留下一樣好處不給祢的兒女.  主啊!我們祈求祢施恩憐憫, 為我們軟弱開路, 在祢沒有難成的事.  懇求祢加添我們的信心, 來領受祢的恩典.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!聖經金句1282迦南母親的信心—-馬太福音15:28[耶穌說”婦人. 你的信心是大的, 照你所要的, 給你成全了吧!”從那時候, 她女兒就好了.] [釋義]這位絕望中的母親, 來到耶穌面前, 她祈求耶穌醫治她那被鬼附身, 活在痛苦中的女兒.  她堅持地祈求, 因為不放棄女兒.  她謙卑的祈求, 因為知道自己不配.  她充滿信心的祈求. 因為相信神有豐盛的恩典.  父母大都關愛孩子, 恨不得能替孩子承受苦難.  但這位絕望的母親, 勇敢地把女兒的需要和痛苦, 帶到耶穌的面前, 主的恩典將她的絕望變為盼望, 綑綁的生命得著真正的自由.  從迦南這位母親與主的對話, 可看出這位母親堅定地認定主耶穌是她唯一的拯救,  她這種態度, 乃是信心的表現.  真實的信心, 乃是根據對主有正確的認識.  我們認識主有多少, 對祂的信心也就有多少.  我們對主的信心有多少, 就能享受主的能力有多少. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌. 我們向祢禱, 祢是全知, 全能的神.  祢知道我們的難處, 祢也關懷我們的需要.   主啊!求祢賜給我們信心, 堅持禱告, 真正地交託.  祢已將我們的生命用重價贖回.  我們是祢的兒女. 祢未曾留下一樣好處不給祢的兒女.  主啊!我們祈求祢施恩憐憫, 為我們軟弱開路, 在祢沒有難成的事.  懇求祢加添我們的信心, 來領受祢的恩典.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Faith of the Canaanite Mother — Matthew 15:28 [Jesus said, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.] [Explanation] This desperate mother came before Jesus, pleading for Him to heal her daughter, who was possessed by a demon and living in torment. She persistently prayed because she would not give up on her daughter. She prayed humbly, knowing she was unworthy. She prayed with faith, believing in God’s abundant grace. Most parents love their children and would wish to bear their suffering. But this desperate mother courageously brought her daughter’s needs and pain before Jesus, and the Lord’s grace turned her despair into hope, freeing the bound life. From the conversation between this Canaanite mother and the Lord, it is evident that she firmly believed Jesus was her only salvation. This attitude is a manifestation of faith. True faith is based on a correct understanding of the Lord. The more we know the Lord, the more faith we will have in Him. The more faith we have in the Lord, the more we will experience His power. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we pray to You, the all-knowing, all-powerful God. You know our difficulties and care about our needs. Lord, please grant us faith to persist in prayer and truly entrust ourselves to You. You have redeemed our lives at a great price. We are Your children, and You withhold no good thing from Your children. Lord, we ask for Your grace and mercy, to make a way for us in our weakness, for nothing is too hard for You. We earnestly ask You to increase our faith so that we may receive Your grace. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!