做忠心的管家—-哥林多前書4:2[所求於管家的, 是要他有忠心][釋義]亞瑪撒是一位粗心大意的元帥, 撒下20:5.  大衛給外甥亞瑪撒機會, 代替約押成為大元師.  大衛交付他一個重的任務, 要他在三日之內, 招聚猶太人來對付示巴.  亞瑪撒可能能力不足, 或者對大衛的命令不放在心上, 以致延誤軍機.  於是大衛派約押等人去追趕示巴.  約押因為亞瑪撒奪了他元帥的位置而懷恨在心.  當亞瑪撒迎接他時, 約押假裝與他們親嘴, 卻用左手將他刺死.  亞瑪撒死於自己的大意和無知, 也辜負了大衛給他的機會.  亞瑪撒忠心不足, 令人感到失望.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是察看我們心腸肺腑的神.  祢知道人的心.  我們的心思, 作為都在祢的眼前.  主啊!祈求祢保守幫助我們, 用𧫴慎的態度服事祢的事工, 完全以僕人的忠心回報祢.  不存私心或私利,只求討祢的喜悅. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Be a Faithful Steward—1 Corinthians 4:2 [It is required in stewards that one be found faithful.] [Explanation] Amasa was a careless commander (2 Samuel 20:5). David gave his nephew Amasa the opportunity to replace Joab as the chief commander. David entrusted him with a significant task, ordering him to gather the men of Judah within three days to confront Sheba. However, Amasa may have been incompetent or did not take David’s orders seriously, causing a delay in the military campaign. As a result, David sent Joab and others to pursue Sheba. Joab harbored resentment against Amasa for taking his position as commander. When Amasa came to greet him, Joab pretended to kiss him but instead stabbed him with his left hand. Amasa died because of his carelessness and ignorance, failing to live up to the opportunity David had given him. Amasa’s lack of faithfulness was disappointing. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the God who sees into our hearts. You know the hearts of all people. Our thoughts and actions are before Your eyes. Lord, I pray that You keep and help us to serve Your ministry with a cautious attitude, fully repaying You with the faithfulness of a servant. Let us not harbor selfish motives or seek personal gain, but only strive to please You. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!