末日的審判—-啓示錄6:17[因為他們忿怒的大日到了, 誰能站得住呢?][䆁義]神豐富的恩慈, 寛容, 忍耐, 是要引領我們悔改.  但人若藐視祂的恩慈, 放任剛硬不悔改的心, 為自己積蓄忿怒, 以致神震怒, 末日的審判就會來到.  總要趁著還有今日, 彼此互相勸勉, 免得我們中間, 有人被罪迷惑, 心就剛硬了.  凡是今日硬著心的人, 在惹祂發怒的日子, 必然站立不住.  神既已警告萬民, 末後的日子必然來到, 我們應當把握機會傳福音,  呼召人們回轉歸向神.  也求主保守我們的心懷意念. 讓我們在末後的日子能站立得住.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們感謝祢, 將末日的景象啓示我們, 讓我們能預先警醒, 蒙祢賜福.  主啊!末日近了. 世界上的動盪不安都在應驗祢的啓示.  祢的公義必審判這世界的敗壞, 祢的慈愛卻要更寬容歸向祢的信徒.  求祢幫助我們時刻警醒仰望祢, 預備好自己, 等候祢再來, 進入無與倫比的新天新地.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Final Judgment—Revelation 6:17 [For the great day of their wrath has come, and who can withstand it?] [Interpretation] God’s abundant kindness, patience, and forbearance are meant to lead us to repentance. However, if one despises His kindness and allows a hardened, unrepentant heart to persist, they are storing up wrath for themselves, which will result in God’s righteous anger and the coming of the final judgment. Therefore, as long as today exists, we must encourage one another to avoid being deceived by sin and to keep our hearts soft. Anyone who hardens their heart today will not be able to stand on the day of His wrath. God has already warned all people that the end days will come, and we should seize the opportunity to spread the gospel and call people to return to God. Let us also pray for the Lord to guard our hearts and minds so that we may be able to stand firm in the last days. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we thank You for revealing the scenes of the last days to us, allowing us to be vigilant in advance and blessed by You. Lord, the end is near. The unrest in the world is fulfilling Your revelations. Your righteousness will judge the corruption of this world, but Your love will be even more tolerant toward those who turn to You. Help us to remain vigilant and to look to You at all times, preparing ourselves to wait for Your return and to enter the incomparably glorious new heaven and new earth. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!