眾人得益處—-哥林多前書12:7[聖靈顯露在各人身上, 是叫人得益處.][釋義]各人是指每一個人.  人人都有神的恩賜.  叫人是叫別人, 叫眾人得益處.  恩賜不是為叫人放縱誇耀嫉妒, 乃為眾人的益處.  屬靈恩賜必須運用, 而且用在整體信徒的好處上, 不僅是為有恩賜的個人.  福音和真理說的好聽是沒用的, 必須領受了才能得福.  宣教和栽培有好的計劃是理想, 但必須大家配合搭配實行才能有效果.  你願意採取行動參與嗎?[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們要高舉祢的名, 宣揚祢的國, 傳揚救贖的福音.  求主與我們同在, 我們不單是要述說祢的救恩, 更要活出豐盛的生命, 見證我們所信的道.  求聖靈光照我們, 有渴望追求的心, 願意接受栽培, 使我們活在祢裏面, 與祢更親近, 使更多人經歷祢的恩典.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

For the Benefit of All—1 Corinthians 12:7 [The manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all.] [Interpretation] “Each one” refers to every individual. Everyone has a gift from God. “For the profit of all” means that these gifts are meant to benefit others, not for self-indulgence, boasting, or jealousy. Spiritual gifts must be used and applied for the good of the entire community of believers, not just for the benefit of the individual who possesses them. Preaching the Gospel and proclaiming the truth is useless if not received and acted upon. Plans for evangelism and discipleship are ideal, but they must be implemented with cooperation to be effective. Are you willing to take action and participate? [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we exalt Your name and proclaim Your Kingdom, spreading the message of salvation. We ask You to be with us. Not only do we want to speak of Your salvation, but we also want to live out a life of abundance, bearing witness to the truth we believe. We ask for the Holy Spirit to enlighten us, giving us a heart that longs to pursue and accept growth, so that we may live in You, draw closer to You, and help more people experience Your grace. This we pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!