建立屬神的家庭—-路得記4:11[在城門坐著的眾民和長老都說:”我們作見證.  願耶和華使進你家的這女子, 像建立以色列家的拉結, 利亞二人一樣.  又願你在以法他得亨通, 在伯利恆得名聲.][釋義]拉結和利亞是雅各的妻子, 拉結容貌秀美, 利亞多產, 素為伯利恆人所尊敬.  拉結就葬在伯利恆附近, 而伯利恆人是利亞之子猶大的後裔.  伯利恆原名以法他.  拉結和利亞為雅各建立了以色列家, 後因士師代, 使這個家四分五裂.  現在因路得的嫁入. 以色列家重新建立起來.  到大衛時代, 以色列家完全實現.  今日主拯救我們的目的, 也是為著屬神的家庭的重新建立. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 願眾弟兄姊妹在祢眼前蒙福, 懇求祢的臉光照我們, 使我們時得見祢的恩典, 建立屬神的家庭.  願弟兄妹妺相互鼓勵, 日日在信仰的道路一同成長. 得到眾人的祝福與應驗.  在這個混亂的時代, 堅守屬靈道德並非易事.  我們總在不經意的時候遭受患難與挑戰, 但願神保守帶領我們, 使我們無論何時都能𧫴守真道.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Establishing a Godly Family—Ruth 4:11 [All the people who were at the gate, along with the elders, said, “We are witnesses. May the Lord make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, who together built the house of Israel. May you have standing in Ephrathah and be famous in Bethlehem.”] [Interpretation] Rachel and Leah were the wives of Jacob. Rachel was beautiful, and Leah was fruitful, both respected by the people of Bethlehem. Rachel was buried near Bethlehem, and the people of Bethlehem were descendants of Leah’s son, Judah. Bethlehem was originally called Ephrathah. Rachel and Leah built the house of Israel for Jacob, but during the time of the judges, this house became divided. Now, through Ruth’s marriage, the house of Israel is being reestablished. During David’s time, the house of Israel was fully realized. Today, the Lord’s purpose in saving us is also to reestablish the family of God. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, may all brothers and sisters be blessed before You. We earnestly ask for Your face to shine upon us, that we may always receive Your grace and establish godly families. May the brothers and sisters encourage one another, growing together in faith day by day. May they receive blessings and fulfillment from all. In this chaotic age, it is not easy to uphold spiritual morality. We often face troubles and challenges unexpectedly, but we pray that God will protect and guide us, so that we may stand firm in the truth at all times. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!