屬神的智慧—-雅各書3:17[惟獨從上頭來的智慧, 先是清潔, 後是和平, 溫良, 柔順, 滿有憐憫, 多結善果, 沒有偏見, 沒有假冒.][釋義]上頭來的智指屬天的, 屬靈的, 屬神的智慧, 其內涵與特徵表現出八種美德.  屬神的智慧不是賜給我們, 而是不斷的傳輸到我們裡面.  我們要接受這種傳輸, 只需打開我們靈裡的開關.  如果開關關上, 傳輸就中斷了.  如果開關一直開著, 傳輸就會不斷的進行. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 藉由今天的讀經, 我們再次細細反思自己在日常生活中的言談舉止, 發現我們真有許多許多過失.  求祢憐憫我們那些𢌥口舌之快的軟弱, 以及心中隱而未現的汚穢.  更求神加添我們心力, 賞賜我們從祢而來的屬靈智慧. 並能立志改變.  從清潔自己的內心開始, 學習𧫴慎, 並以純潔美善的言語說安慰人, 造就人的話, 活出真實的信仰, 榮神益人.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Wisdom from God — James 3:17 [But the wisdom that comes from above is first pure, then peace-loving, gentle, accommodating, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial, and sincere.] [Explanation] The wisdom from above refers to heavenly, spiritual, and divine wisdom. It embodies and displays eight virtues. This divine wisdom is not something given to us once and for all, but rather it is continuously transmitted into us. To receive this transmission, we need only to open the switch in our spirit. If the switch is off, the transmission is interrupted. If the switch remains on, the transmission will continue uninterrupted. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, through today’s Bible reading, we once again reflect deeply on our words and actions in daily life and recognize that we have many shortcomings. We ask for Your mercy on our weaknesses, such as our hasty words and the hidden impurities in our hearts. We also ask You, God, to strengthen us and grant us spiritual wisdom from You. Help us to resolve to change, starting with cleansing our hearts, learning to be cautious, and speaking words of comfort and edification, so that we may live out true faith, bringing glory to God and blessing to others. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!