生命的冠冕—-雅各書1:12[忍受試探的人是有福的, 因為他經過試驗以後, 必得生命的冠冕, 這昰主應許給那些愛他之人的.][釋義]”冠冕”有時指皇冠, 但更常用作頒給得勝運動員的桂冠.  其㝢意為象徵榮耀和尊貴.  冠冕是靈性成功的表記, 由宇宙之王頒給那些在苦難與試探中持守信心的人.  “生命”應即指獎賞.  這”生命”當然不是指肉體的生命, 而是指永遠的生命, 在永恆中享受神的同在.  啓示錄2:10 [你務要至死忠心, 我就賜給你那生命的冠冕.]即使忍受試煉意謂著死亡, 那些愛神的人獎賞還是生命.  我們對神的愛藉著願意為基督受苦表彰出來, 並藉以得著成全.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是我的力量, 是我的盾牌, 凡心裏倚靠祢的就得幫助.  身為信徒, 在末後的大爭戰中, 唯有心存主的教訓, 腳行神的道, 在得勝的日子, 才配高唱凱旋之歌.  懇求主施恩, 引領我們跟從主所指示的得勝要訣:[要悔改][找回起初的愛][至死忠心]在遭遇患難時, 心中仍然能夠靠主喜樂, 並且學習忍耐的功夫, 使生命在操練中逐漸完備, 相信至終主必把生命的冠冕賞賜給我們.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Crown of Life—James 1:12 [Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.] [Explanation:] The “crown” sometimes refers to a royal crown but is more often used to describe a laurel wreath awarded to victorious athletes. It symbolizes honor and dignity. The crown is a sign of spiritual success, bestowed by the King of the Universe upon those who maintain their faith through suffering and trials. “Life” here likely refers to a reward. This “life” is not the physical life but eternal life, enjoying God’s presence in eternity. Revelation 2:10 says, [Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life.] Even if enduring trials means facing death, the reward for those who love God is still life. Our love for God is expressed by our willingness to suffer for Christ and is perfected through it. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are my strength and my shield; all who trust in You find help. As believers, in the final great battle, only by keeping the Lord’s teachings in our hearts and walking in God’s way can we be worthy to sing the song of triumph on the day of victory. We humbly ask the Lord to grant grace and guide us to follow the victory keys shown by the Lord: [Repent], [Return to your first love], [Be faithful unto death]. When facing trials, may we still find joy in the Lord and learn the lesson of endurance, so that our lives gradually become complete through this training. I believe that, in the end, the Lord will award us the crown of life. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!