忍耐等候—-雅各書5:8[你們也當忍耐, 堅固你們的心, 因為主來的日子近了.][釋義]農夫耕種必付出極大的努力, 撒種, 澆水, 除草, 施肥等工作, 為是將來的收成.  雅各期勉信徒要通過試驗, 達到毫無欠缺的地步, 就必效法農夫忍耐等候的工夫.  扎實的禱告功夫, 以信心讀經行道, 約束自己的舌頭, 不放縱私慾, 心清手潔, 凡事都尊重生命的主, 為不義之人代求.  這様靠主恆心去做, 必能逐漸達到完全的地步.  流淚撒種的, 必歡呼收割.  信徒也當耐心等候主來, 懷著活潑的盼望, 期盼將來領受從神來的獎賞.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 蒙祢救贖我們. 確信祢的應許, 將接我們回到天家.  因有這樣永生的應許, 我們在今世面對患難的時候, 可以學會忍耐, 再因忍耐生老練,  想到這至暫至輕的苦楚, 能成就極重無比的榮耀, 心中就有活潑的盼望.  主耶穌, 謝謝祢.  求祢幫助我們能像保羅一樣, 打過美好的仗, 跑盡當跑的路, 守住所信的道, 到那一天, 有公義的冠冕為我們存留.  願我們信心堅定, 儆醒預備, 直到主來, 安然見主.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Patience in Waiting: James 5:8 [You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord’s coming is near.] [Explanation] A farmer must exert great effort in farming—sowing seeds, watering, weeding, and fertilizing—all in anticipation of a future harvest. James encourages believers to undergo trials and reach a state of completeness, much like a farmer’s patience and waiting. Solid prayer, reading the Bible with faith, acting according to the Word, controlling one’s tongue, resisting selfish desires, having a pure heart and clean hands, and honoring the Lord of life in everything—these practices are crucial. Interceding for the unrighteous with such perseverance will gradually lead to perfection. Those who sow in tears will reap with joy. Believers should also patiently await the Lord’s coming with lively hope, expecting to receive the rewards from God in the future. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we are redeemed by You. We trust in Your promise that You will take us back to our heavenly home. Because of this promise of eternal life, we can learn patience in the face of trials in this life, which will produce perseverance. When we consider that these light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all, our hearts are filled with lively hope. Lord Jesus, thank You. Please help us, like Paul, to fight the good fight, finish the race, and keep the faith, so that on that day, the crown of righteousness will be awaiting us. May our faith be firm, vigilant, and prepared until the Lord comes, and we meet Him in peace. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!