不要單顧自己的事—-腓立比書2:4[各人不要單顧自己的事, 也要顧別人的事.][釋義]世人是損人利己, 詩49:18.  信徒是捨己利人, 顧別人的事, 乃是一種捨己的生活.  信徒應當顧念別人的需要, 但對自己的需要, 卻不可凡事依賴別人的照顧, 而要盡力自己照顧自己, 並且仰賴神的幫助. 人都是自私, 看照片一定先看自己.  我們平時很容易就忽略了旁人. 要把視線投向他人, 多一點的問候和關心, 甚至幫忙.  你定會發現彼此的關係, 更加的友好和親密, 你也成為一位可親可愛的人. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 多謝祢的話語給予我們的提醒和教導.  我們求主赦免我們的自私和自我, 我們常常只看到自己, 只顧自己的心情和需要, 常忽略他人的感受和需要, 求主幫助我們, 有主的愛充滿, 曉得以愛對待其他的人, 互相幫助, 建立起來良好的人際關係, 使我們的生活過得更加快樂幸福, 榮耀主的名.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Do Not Look Only to Your Own Interests — Philippians 2:4 [Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.] [Explanation] Worldly people often harm others for their own benefit (Psalm 49:18), while believers are called to sacrifice themselves for the good of others. Caring for others is a life of selflessness. Believers should be mindful of others’ needs, but when it comes to their own, they should not rely entirely on others to take care of them. Instead, they should strive to care for themselves and depend on God’s help. Humans tend to be selfish — for example, when looking at a photo, we usually focus on ourselves first. It’s easy to overlook others in our daily lives. We should shift our attention to others, offering more greetings, care, and even help. In doing so, you will find that relationships become more friendly and close, and you will become a kind and lovable person. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word, which reminds and teaches us. We ask for Your forgiveness for our selfishness and self-centeredness. We often focus only on ourselves, our own feelings, and needs, neglecting the feelings and needs of others. Lord, please help us to be filled with Your love, to treat others with love, and to help one another. May we build good relationships, so that our lives are filled with greater joy and happiness, glorifying Your name. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!