靈魂的救恩—-彼得前書1:9[並且得著你們信心的果效, 就是靈魂的救恩.][釋義]”靈魂”原文是魂, 故本節經文是指”魂的救恩”.  靈是人最深入的部分, 又可分良心, 直覺和交通的功用, 是人接觸神, 敬拜神的唯一機關.  魂是人的人格, 它又可分為心思, 意志和情感.我們在相信主耶穌的時候, 已經得著了靈的救恩, 就是得著了重生.  但我們的魂仍處在得救的過程中, 並未完全得著, 所以主耶穌教導我們若要跟從祂, 就當捨己, 為祂喪掉魂生命的享受, 然後才能得魂生命.  魂的救恩與我們的信心息息相關, 必須藉著剛強, 堅定的信心, 才能得著魂的救恩.  馬太福音24:13[惟有忍耐到底的必然得救.][禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是施恩給我們, 把盼望給我們, 揀選我們得蒙恩典的神.  我們在世是寄居的, 一切的獎賞, 榮耀都在天.  縱使面對苦難. 試煉, 仍要持守信心繼續向前, 有活潑的盼望, 滿心的平安, 就是從神而來的恩典.  願神幫助我們, 定睛在神的真理上. 以百般試煉的信心, 努力向前, 𧫴慎自守, 藉著聖靈的帶領, 不因世上的誘惑而自亂陣腳, 不因環境的艱困而失了平安喜樂. 願我們都經過試煉, 成為大有信心的僕人, 以生命傳揚真理.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Salvation of the Soul—1 Peter 1:9 [Receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls.] [Explanation] The original text for “soul” refers to the “psyche,” indicating that this verse is about the “salvation of the soul.” The spirit is the innermost part of a person, which can be divided into the functions of conscience, intuition, and fellowship; it is the only organ through which a person can connect with and worship God. The soul represents a person’s personality, which can be further divided into mind, will, and emotions. When we believe in the Lord Jesus, we receive the salvation of the spirit, which is the experience of being born again. However, our soul is still in the process of being saved and has not yet been fully redeemed. Therefore, the Lord Jesus teaches that if we want to follow Him, we must deny ourselves, forgo the pleasures of the soul life for His sake, and then we will gain the life of the soul. The salvation of the soul is closely tied to our faith, and it requires strong and steadfast faith to achieve the salvation of the soul. Matthew 24:13 [But the one who endures to the end will be saved.] [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are the one who grants us grace, gives us hope, and chooses us to receive Your grace. We are sojourners in this world, and all rewards and glory await us in heaven. Even in the face of suffering and trials, we must hold on to our faith and move forward with living hope and peace that comes from God’s grace. May God help us to focus on His truth, to persevere in faith through every trial, and to remain vigilant. Led by the Holy Spirit, may we not be shaken by worldly temptations or lose our peace and joy due to difficult circumstances. May we all pass through these trials and become faithful servants, proclaiming the truth through our lives. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!