跟隨主的腳蹤行—-彼得前書2:21[你們蒙召原是為此, 因基督也為你們受過苦, 給你們留下榜樣, 叫你們跟隨他的腳蹤行.][釋義]神從世人中呼召我們, 不僅是為了拯救我, 使我們得永生, 並且叫我們一反世人的常態, 在世上作因行善受苦的見證, 以彰顯耶穌基督的榮耀與聖名.  耶穌基督是神的兒子, 原可不必受苦, 但祂為著我們的緣故, 竟然甘願被釘上十字, 且不肯從十字架上下來.  能不受苦卻情願為別人受苦, 這就是祂所留下的榜樣.  主耶穌說:若有人跟從我, 就當捨己, 背起祂的十字架, 來跟從我, 馬太福音16:24.  跟隨祂的腳蹤行, 原不是別的, 乃是跟隨祂背十字架受苦的腳蹤. 為著神呼召我們的心意, 步祂的後塵.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 從前我們是局外人, 在這世上沒有指望, 沒有神; 感謝祢揀選了我們, 藉著基督的寶血, 洗淨我們的罪, 使我得與神親近, 這是何等大的恩惠.  主啊!我們在世上是客旅, 是寄居的;人生的旅途, 有許多的磨難與操練; 我們願意順服神的話, 在世上敬虔度日; 若因遵守主道, 行善受苦, 也求神的聖靈幫助, 讓我們心能忍耐.  因為神也為我們受過苦, 留下美好的榜樣, 願我們跟隨祢的腳蹤行, 得到祢的喜愛.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Follow in the Footsteps of the Lord – 1 Peter 2:21 [For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in His steps.] [Explanation] God has called us from among the people of the world, not only to save us and grant us eternal life, but also to stand apart from worldly ways and bear witness on earth by suffering for doing good, thus manifesting the glory and holy name of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ, being the Son of God, had no need to suffer, yet for our sake, He willingly endured crucifixion and refused to come down from the cross. He set an example by choosing to suffer for others, even when He could avoid it. The Lord Jesus said, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me” (Matthew 16:24). To follow in His footsteps means to follow Him in the path of suffering for the sake of God’s call, walking in His steps. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we were once outsiders, without hope in this world and without God. Thank You for choosing us and cleansing us from our sins through Christ’s precious blood, drawing us near to God. This is such an immense grace. Lord, we are but sojourners in this world; life’s journey is filled with trials and training. We desire to live godly lives on earth in obedience to God’s word. If we suffer for doing good and following Your ways, we ask for the help of the Holy Spirit, that we may endure with patience. Since You also suffered for us and left a beautiful example, may we follow in Your footsteps and find favor in Your sight. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!