分享基督救恩的見證—-彼得前書3:15[只要心裏尊主基督為聖.  有人問你們心中盼望的緣由, 就要常作準備. 以溫柔, 敬畏的心回答各人.][釋義]一個可悲的現象, 就是有許多基督徒對本身所信的是甚麼, 及為什麼要信, 都啞口無言, 或一竅不通.  基督徒必須在心智與屬靈上作好準備, 對自己的信仰作出合理的解釋.  欲使人歸信基督教的最佳方法, 乃是以身作則及好言相勸, 強辯只有促使人見基督教則迴避之.   神學上的爭辯最易令人人大動肝火. 宗教見解的差異, 最易令雙方互相敵視.  無論在傳講福音或為真道辯護時, 我們必須以愛心進行.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是我們榮耀的盼望.  只要我們在所信的道上有恆心, 根基穩固, 堅定不移, 將來就可以得著不能朽壞, 不能玷汚, 不能衰殘, 為我們留存在天上的基業.  親愛的主!願我們都能定睛於祢, 求祢教導並指示我們當行的路.  懇求聖靈激勵我們, 心裡尊主為聖, 將基督為我們施行何等大的恩惠傳揚, 使人一同得著所盼望, 永遠的福份. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Testimony of Christ’s Salvation — 1 Peter 3:15: [But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.] [Explanation] A sad phenomenon is that many Christians are at a loss when asked about their beliefs or why they believe, or they are completely unaware. Christians must be mentally and spiritually prepared to give a reasonable explanation of their faith. The best way to lead others to Christ is through leading by example and gentle persuasion. Arguments only make people avoid Christianity. Theological debates easily provoke anger, and differences in religious views often lead to mutual hostility. Whether sharing the gospel or defending the truth, we must proceed with love. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are our glorious hope. As long as we remain steadfast in our faith, with a solid foundation, unshakable, we will inherit the imperishable, undefiled, and unfading inheritance kept in heaven for us. Dear Lord! May we always fix our eyes on You. Teach and guide us in the way we should walk. We earnestly pray for the Holy Spirit to inspire us to revere You in our hearts and to proclaim the great grace Christ has bestowed upon us, so that others may share in the eternal blessings we hope for. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!