好管家—-彼得前書4:10[各人要照所得的恩賜彼此服事, 作神百般恩賜的好管家.][釋義]恩賜是為了服事, 而非自我炫耀.  管家不擁有家產, 但卻負責管理及支配家產.  每一位管家都要向他的主人交賬.  管家能否得到賞賜, 不在乎所領受的是甚基恩𧶽, 乃在乎有沒有照神所交託的運用, 或是否為神運用, 抑或只為自己應用.  主的工人都應站在管家的地位上, 而不以主人自居.  不論工作的成效如何偉大, 都承認那本是他所應做的分, 並無可誇之處.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們向祢獻上讚美的禱告.  榮耀, 權能都是祢的, 直到永遠.  主啊!我們感謝祢, 賜下各樣恩賜.  我們身上有諸多祢的安排. 祢的旨意是要我們用祢所賜的恩賜事奉主, 服事人, 耀祢的名.  求祢幫助管家, 以愛互相幫補, 遮掩彼此缺陷不足的部分.  主啊! 萬物的結局近了, 請幫助管家𧫴慎自守, 警醒禱告. 也求祢繼續堅固我們, 預備自己, 能依靠祢通過各樣將臨到的考驗.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Good Steward – 1 Peter 4:10 [Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.] [Explanation] Gifts are meant for serving others, not for self-glorification. A steward does not own the estate, but is responsible for managing and overseeing it. Every steward must give an account to their master. The reward for a steward is not based on the greatness of the gift received, but on whether it has been used according to God’s will, and for God’s purposes, not for personal use. The Lord’s workers should take the position of a steward and not act as masters. Regardless of how great the results of the work may be, they must acknowledge that this is simply what they ought to do, and there is nothing to boast about. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we offer You a prayer of praise. Glory and power are Yours forever. Lord, we thank You for bestowing various gifts upon us. You have arranged many things in our lives. Your will is for us to serve You with the gifts You have given us, to serve others, and to glorify Your name. Please help the stewards to love one another, to cover each other’s shortcomings and weaknesses. Lord, the end of all things is near, please help the stewards to be self-controlled and alert in prayer. We also ask that You continue to strengthen us and prepare us to rely on You through the trials that are to come. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!