在恩典上站立得住—-彼得前書5:12[你務要在這恩上站立得住.] [釋義]彼得長老勉勵教會同仁勿憑己意牧養教會, 應自我謙卑, 彼此順服.  照顧教會同工.  他也勸勉信徒遇到煩心的事, 務要求告神.  有餘力更應照顧心靈軟弱的同仁.  彼此警醒禱告. 不給魔鬼趁虛而入的機會, 在主裡才得保全彼此信仰的純正.  人在患難中很容易懷疑神的恩典是否真實可靠, 但我們既因信進入現在所站立的這恩典中, 就應當繼續不斷的持守, 使自己在恩典上站立得住. 苦難是引導我們走向榮耀的墊腳石.[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢的真理, 公義與恩典齊行, 我們願勇敢傳揚祢的名, 透過聖靈的運行, 引導我們以祢的事為念, 在一切道路上遵照祢的旨意行; 也求祢保守我們的心, 在這屬惡的世上, 滿有祢美善的形象.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Stand Firm in Grace – 1 Peter 5:12 [You must stand firm in this grace.] [Explanation] Elder Peter encourages the fellow church workers not to shepherd the church by relying on their own will but to humble themselves and submit to one another. They should care for their fellow workers in the church. He also advises believers to call upon God when faced with troubling matters. If able, they should take care of those who are spiritually weak. They should stay alert and pray for one another, not giving the devil any opportunity to take advantage. Only by standing firm in the Lord can they preserve the purity of their faith. When people go through trials, it’s easy to doubt whether God’s grace is truly reliable, but since we have entered this grace by faith, we should continue to hold on to it and stand firm in grace. Suffering is a stepping stone that leads us toward glory. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, Your truth, righteousness, and grace go hand in hand. We wish to courageously proclaim Your name. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, guide us to focus on Your matters and follow Your will in all our ways. We also ask You to guard our hearts, that in this evil world, we may be filled with Your goodness. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!