一切的勞碌—-傳道書1:3[人一切的勞碌, 就是他在日光之下的勞碌, 有什麼益處呢?][釋義]一切的勞碌是指人在神之外所有的勞心和勞力.  在日光之下, 指人類所居住的地球, 是在太陽之下.  人貪心的欲望是無限的, 但人的力量卻是有限的.  拼上一切來滿足欲望, 結局是可悲的.  放下世俗的欲望, 追求永恆, 方為上策.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 是祢成就了救恩, 因為祢, 使我們可以成為上帝的兒女, 我們向你獻上感恩.  求主幫助我們, 能夠放下貪婪的欲望, 因為若賺得全世界, 賠上自己的健康和生命, 結局是可悲的.  求聖靈引導我們, 更多的追求屬靈的事, 更多的親近祢, 因為在祢有永生之道, 我們還歸從誰呢?禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

All Human Toil – Ecclesiastes 1:3 [What do people gain from all their labors at which they toil under the sun?] [Explanation] “All human toil” refers to the mental and physical efforts that people exert outside of God. “Under the sun” refers to the earth, where humans live under the sun. Human greed and desires are limitless, but human strength is finite. Striving to satisfy desires with all one’s effort leads to a tragic end. Letting go of worldly desires and pursuing eternity is the best course of action. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You accomplished salvation, and because of You, we can become children of God. We are truly grateful. Lord, help us to let go of greedy desires, for what profit is there if we gain the whole world but lose our health and life? The outcome is tragic. May the Holy Spirit guide us to pursue spiritual matters and draw closer to You, for You have the words of eternal life. To whom else shall we go? We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!