痛痛哭泣的禱告—-撒母耳記上1:10-11, 20[哈拿心裏愁苦, 就痛痛哭泣.  祈禱耶和華,  許願說:”萬軍之耶和華啊, 你若垂顧婢女的苦情, 眷眷不忘婢女, 賜我一個兒子, 我必使他終身歸與耶和華…哈拿就懷孕.  日期滿足,  生了一個兒子, 給他取名叫撒母耳, 說:”這是我從耶和華那裏求來的.”] [釋義]撒母兒原文意思是”神垂聽”.  今天在你我手中的事物, 有多少是我們”從耶和華那裏求來的”呢?人禱告對了, 成了能與神同工的人, 神的手就開始作工, 撒母耳就出生了. 痛痛哭泣的禱告, 就是有極重負擔的禱告.  必須從破碎的心中所發出的祈禱, 才是最感動神的心的祈禱.  禱告不是外界話語的問題, 而是裡面負擔的問題.  人人都會遇到徒勞無功的時刻.  在工作上, 事奉上, 或人際關係上, 都有山窮水盡, 一事無成之際, 也可能感到很難再用信心禱告. 但哈拿看出只有禱告才是讓神動工的唯一出來路.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢雖以艱難給我們當餅. 以困苦給我們當水. 我們當學習哈拿, 將自己的痛苦帶到祢面前, 傾心吐意的禱告, 相信祢必親自引領看顧.  主啊!人的一生, 所能矜誇的不過是勞苦愁煩, 至終一切轉眼成空, 如飛而去.  還好, 有祢與我們為伴, 為我們分憂解勞, 卸除重擔.  懇求主在我們走過人生的死亡蔭幽谷, 都能學習哈拿的禱告, 在禱告中完全交託. 擺脫恐懼和憂愁的綑綁, 在祢的恩典與真理中前進.  我們深信, 祢必能照著運行在我們心裡的大能大力, 充充足足的成就一切, 超過我們所求所想.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

A Prayer of Bitter Weeping — 1 Samuel 1:10-11, 20 [Hannah was deeply distressed and wept bitterly as she prayed to the Lord. She made a vow, saying, “Lord Almighty, if You will only look on Your servant’s misery and remember me, and not forget Your servant but give her a son, then I will give him to the Lord for all the days of his life… Hannah conceived, and in due time, she gave birth to a son. She named him Samuel, saying, ‘Because I asked the Lord for him.’”] [Explanation] The name Samuel in its original meaning is “God has heard.” How many of the things in our hands today have we asked from the Lord? When one’s prayers are aligned with God, they become co-workers with Him, and that’s when His hand begins to move. Samuel was born out of this. A prayer of bitter weeping is a prayer with a heavy burden. It must come from a broken heart to touch God’s heart. Prayer is not about outward words but the inner burden. Everyone encounters moments of fruitlessness — in work, ministry, or relationships, when all seems in vain, and faith is hard to muster. But like Hannah, we must recognize that prayer is the only way to move God’s hand. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, though You give us hardship as bread and suffering as water, we must learn from Hannah to bring our pain before You in heartfelt prayer, trusting that You will guide and care for us. Lord, in our lives, the only thing we can boast of is toil and sorrow, and in the end, everything vanishes like a fleeting shadow. But we are thankful that You are with us, sharing our burdens and removing our heavy loads. We earnestly ask You, Lord, as we walk through life’s valley of the shadow of death, to help us learn from Hannah’s prayer to completely surrender in prayer. Free us from the bondage of fear and sorrow so that we may move forward in Your grace and truth. We firmly believe that You are able to accomplish everything, beyond all we can ask or imagine, according to the great power at work within us. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!