做好小事—-路加福音16:10[人在最小的事上忠心, 在大事上也忠心.  人在最小的事上不義, 在大事上也不義.][釋義]別輕看小的工作, 別看低小責任, 做好小事才能準備做好大事.  只要是上帝托付你的, 你都要盡心盡責, 讓你的光照亮你所在的小地方.  所謂萬丈高樓平地起, 萬里之行自足下.  又最小的事, 指今生的事, 在此特指瑪門/金錢, 利益, 財富.  大事指來世的事, 在此特指主豐富的賞賜, 馬太福音25:21, 23.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢給我們的愛和恩典是何等的浩大, 我們拿什麼來回報呢?雖然我們是微小, 智慧和力量不足, 但求主幫助我們, 能夠有具體的行動事奉祢, 讓我們從最小的事做起.  無論做什麼, 都要當作是為主做, 天父祢必定看到.  當我們忠心於所托付的小事時, 主就能幫助我們成就大事.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Do Well in Small Things — Luke 16:10 [Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is dishonest in very little is also dishonest in much.][Explanation] Do not underestimate small tasks or look down on minor responsibilities. Doing well in small things prepares you to handle greater matters. Whatever God entrusts to you, do it with all your heart and responsibility, allowing your light to shine in the small places where you are. Just as tall buildings start from the ground, and long journeys begin with a single step, small things often refer to earthly matters, especially money, wealth, and profit, while great things refer to matters of the life to come, particularly God’s abundant rewards, as mentioned in Matthew 25:21, 23. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, Your love and grace toward us are so immense. How can we repay You? Although we are small, lacking in wisdom and strength, we ask that You help us take concrete actions to serve You, starting with the smallest tasks. Whatever we do, let us do it as unto the Lord, knowing that You, Father, see it all. When we are faithful with the small things entrusted to us, You will help us accomplish greater things. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!