屬靈的責任—-撒母耳記2:30[因此. 耶和華以色列的神說:”我曾說, 你和你父家必永遠在我面前; 現在我卻說, 決不容許你們這樣行.  因為尊重我的, 我必看重他.  藐視我的. 他必被輕視.][釋義]哈拿即使面對信仰軟弱的丈夫, 堅定持守信仰, 以信心和禱告支撐覆篕整個家族, 因而蒙神悅納得福.  以利雖有神應許永遠世襲大祭司的職位和權利, 卻放任兩位兒子為非作歹, 藐視神的教導, 最終被神輕視不再容忍而遭禍.  有屬靈的權柄也應負起屬靈的責任.  屬靈權柄不因身分而絕對, 屬靈的責任是不斷地尋求神, 以神的決定為依歸, 用神的標準𧗾量每一仵事的價值.  願我們榮耀屬靈的權柄, 負起屬靈的責任.  竭力貢獻生命的每一分力量榮耀神的名.[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是使人貧窮, 也使人富足.  使人降卑, 也使人升高的神.  願祢賜福, 使我們不論是富足或是降卑, 都有和哈拿一樣堅定的信心, 在生命妁難處上不自怨自艾, 以不懈的禱告交託給祢.  願祢引導我, 不論負何種的責任, 都謙卑尋求祢的引領及旨意, 不像以利藐視妄為而遭禍.  使我們一生蒙賜屬靈的權柄, 負起屬靈的責任, 竭力力追求祢的國和義.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Spiritual Responsibility – 1 Samuel 2:30 [Therefore, the Lord God of Israel says: “I had said that your house and the house of your father would walk before Me forever; but now the Lord declares: Far be it from Me. For those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me shall be lightly esteemed.”] [Explanation] Hannah, despite having a spiritually weak husband, remained steadfast in her faith. Through her faith and prayers, she upheld and blessed her entire family, gaining God’s favor. Eli, though promised by God the perpetual inheritance of the high priesthood, allowed his sons to sin and despise God’s teachings. As a result, God no longer tolerated Eli’s actions and brought judgment upon him. Spiritual authority comes with spiritual responsibility. Spiritual authority is not absolute based on one’s position; instead, spiritual responsibility is constantly seeking God, following His decisions, and measuring every matter by God’s standards. May we honor spiritual authority and take up spiritual responsibility, striving to dedicate every ounce of our strength to glorify God’s name. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are the God who makes people poor and rich, who humbles and exalts. May You bless us so that whether we are wealthy or humbled, we may have the same steadfast faith as Hannah, not wallowing in self-pity during life’s challenges, but entrusting everything to You through persistent prayer. Lead me to humbly seek Your guidance and will in whatever responsibilities I bear, not to despise You like Eli, which led to his downfall. May we receive spiritual authority throughout our lives and bear spiritual responsibility, earnestly pursuing Your kingdom and righteousness. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!