神會向人說話—-撒母耳記上3:8[耶和華第三次呼喚撒母耳, 撒母耳起來, 到以利那裡, 說:”你又呼喚我, 我在這裡.” 以利才明白耶和華呼喚童子.][釋義]人多半認為神會將信息賜給以利, 而不是童子撒母耳.  以利既資深又居顯要職位, 但是神的各種命令都是對有信心的人發的, 而不依據年齡或地位.  祂找到忠心的信徒, 就可能使用人意想不到的方式來發聲.  所以我們要好好裝備自己, 隨時隨地準備接受神的揀選, 為祂做工.  以利”眼自昏庀, 看不分明.” 倚老賣老, 令人不齒.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝祢使我們度過每一個美好的安息日, 願我們在屬靈充電後, 能在日常的生活中順服守道, 活出屬於祢兒女的樣式.  主啊!有時我們無法明白祢對我們的呼喚, 對很多事不以為意.  懇請主耶穌憐憫, 再一次呼喚提醒, 我們必謙卑回應.  敬聽祢要傳達給我們的話語.  阿門!

God Speaks to People — 1 Samuel 3:8 [The LORD called Samuel a third time. Samuel got up, went to Eli, and said, ‘Here I am; you called me.’ Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy.] [Explanation] People often assume that God would give His message to Eli, not to the boy Samuel. Eli was experienced and held a prominent position, but God’s commands are given to those with faith, not based on age or status. When God finds a faithful believer, He may speak in unexpected ways. Therefore, we must equip ourselves and be ready at all times to respond to God’s call and work for Him. Eli’s “eyes were weak and could barely see,” representing an arrogance that is disdainful. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for guiding us through every blessed Sabbath. After being spiritually recharged, may we continue to obey Your word in our daily lives and live as true children of God. Lord, sometimes we fail to understand Your calling and are indifferent to many things. We humbly ask for Your mercy and a reminder once again. We will respond humbly and listen to the words You wish to convey to us. Amen!