敬虔敬拜神—-撒母耳記上4:21[她給孩子起名叫以迦博, 說:”榮耀離開以色列了!” 這是因神的約櫃被擄去. 又因她的公公和丈夫都死了.][釋義]在撒母耳先知的日子, 以色列民迷信以為神聖的約櫃可以拯救他們, 使他們不致被非利士人所擊敗.  因此他們將約櫃從設於示羅的帳幕中的至聖所中取出, 由大祭司以利兩個作惡的祭司兒子, 何弗尼和非尼哈將約櫃帶到戰塲上.  很不幸的以色列人被擊敗, 約櫃落入非利士人手中.  約櫃被擄的這段記事, 是神嚴重的警告.  更是至今我們仍要引以為鑑戒的教訓.  當時的以色列民, 信仰幾乎是有名無實.  遇到戰爭失利, 仍不謙卑求告神, 向神悔改, 只任憑自己的想法行事, 以為搬約櫃到營中, 等同神也在其中, 將神的約櫃當作偶像敬拜.  本節經文的”她”是以利的兒媳, 非尼哈的妻子.  這位深明大義的妻子將遺腹子取名”以迦博” 原文意思是”失去榮耀”, 哀傷此子生不逢時, 神的約櫃被擄, 榮耀離開以色列. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們感謝讚美祢.  懇求主智慧的靈, 使我們做通達人, 行在祢正直的道路上.  主啊!在這世俗文化的洪流裏, 求祢保守我們的心志言行, 不隨波逐流, 敬虔敬拜神, 作神無瑕疵的兒女.  阿們!

 Devout Worship of God —1 Samuel 4:21 [She named the child Ichabod, saying, “The glory has departed from Israel,” because the Ark of God was captured, and because of her father-in-law and her husband’s deaths.] [Interpretation] In the days of the prophet Samuel, the Israelites mistakenly believed that the Ark of the Covenant could save them from being defeated by the Philistines. They took the Ark from the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle at Shiloh, and the wicked sons of the high priest Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, brought it to the battlefield. Unfortunately, the Israelites were defeated, and the Ark fell into the hands of the Philistines. This event was a severe warning from God and serves as a lesson to us even today. The faith of the Israelites at that time was almost in name only. Instead of humbling themselves and repenting to God in times of defeat, they followed their own ideas, thinking that bringing the Ark into the camp was equivalent to having God’s presence with them. They treated the Ark like an idol. The “she” mentioned in this verse refers to Eli’s daughter-in-law, Phinehas’ wife. This noble woman named her posthumous child “Ichabod,” which means “the glory has departed,” mourning the loss of God’s glory from Israel due to the capture of the Ark. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we thank and praise You. We earnestly ask for the Spirit of wisdom to make us understanding people, walking in Your righteous ways. Lord, in the flood of worldly culture, we ask You to guard our hearts, words, and actions, that we may not follow the tide, but instead worship You devoutly and live as Your blameless children. Amen!