約旦河與死海—-約伯記17:9[然而義人要持守所行的逍, 手潔的人要力上加力.][釋義]壯麗的的約旦河整天奔波, 不捨晝夜,  滋潤兩岸的土地. 而死海靜靜的享受, 明明是鹽海, 但人們稱呼它為死海.  安逸是通向地獄的捷徑, 它會在無聲無息中漸漸毀滅你的生命.  勞動雖苦雖累, 但它們讓人有生機.  屬靈生命也是如此. 不追求長進, 不熱心事奉, 就必枯乾, 甚至死亡.  約伯受的苦大. 他的哀歎極深, 但他深信正直的道路不可改變.  行事正直, 是從神得到力量的唯一途徑.  誠所謂天行健, 君子以自強不息.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝祢, 讓我們能夠因信稱義, 與上帝建立美好的關係, 能夠從上帝得到力量做上帝所喜悅的事.  求主幫助我們, 從祢的話語和聖靈的充滿, 使我們更加認識祢, 靈性生命更精進, 竭心盡力事奉神.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Jordan River and Dead Sea — Job 17:9 [Yet the righteous will hold to their ways, and those with clean hands will grow stronger and stronger.] [Explanation] The magnificent Jordan River flows tirelessly, day and night, nourishing the land on both sides. In contrast, the Dead Sea remains still, known as a salt sea, yet people call it the Dead Sea. Comfort is a shortcut to destruction, silently eroding life away. Though labor is exhausting, it brings vitality. The same principle applies to spiritual life. Without striving for growth or zeal in service, one will wither, or even die spiritually. Job suffered greatly, and his lament was deep, but he firmly believed that the path of righteousness must not be altered. Walking uprightly is the only way to receive strength from God. As the saying goes, “The heavens operate with vitality; a noble person strengthens themselves unceasingly.” [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for allowing us to be justified by faith, building a beautiful relationship with God, and receiving strength to do what pleases Him. Lord, help us to know You more through Your word and the fullness of the Holy Spirit, so that our spiritual lives may grow stronger, and we may serve God with all our hearts and strength. We pray in Jesus Christ’s name, Amen!