至高的神—-撒母耳記上5:11[於是打發人去請非利士的眾首領來, 說:”願你們將以色列神的約櫃送回原處, 免得害了我們和我們的眾民.”][釋義]神的計劃是讓以色列人”作祭司的國度, 為聖潔的國民.” 但神也是”獨行奇事的神.” 祂的計劃並不倚賴不可靠的人. 當人不能跟上神的計劃, 不肯彰顯神的榮耀的時候, 神就親自來榮耀自己的名.  當今世界越來越離棄神, 神必會伸出大能的臂膀來顯明祂的榮耀, 讓褻瀆祂的仇敵知道”不要自欺, 神是輕漫不得的”.  “人種的是什麼, 收的也是什麼.” [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是至高至尊的獨一真神, 祢大有能力, 大而可畏, 我們應當是讚美祢, 敬畏祢.  主啊!感謝祢的揀選, 呼召我們背起十字架跟随祢.  祢應許我們, 凡勞苦擔重擔的人, 可以到祢這裡來, 就必得著安息.  懇求祢賜下足夠的信心, 把萬事的主權交給祢, 順服祢的帶領, 在靈裡有滿足的喜樂.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Most High God — 1 Samuel 5:11 [Then they sent word and gathered all the rulers of the Philistines, saying, “Send the ark of the God of Israel back to its place so that it won’t kill us and our people.”] [Interpretation] God’s plan was for the Israelites to be “a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.” But God is also “the God who does wondrous things.” His plan does not depend on unreliable people. When people fail to follow God’s plan or refuse to glorify Him, God will personally act to honor His name. As the world increasingly turns away from God, He will stretch out His mighty arm to reveal His glory, showing His enemies who blaspheme Him that “God is not mocked. Whatever a person sows, that they will also reap.” [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are the one true God, Most High and Almighty. You are powerful and awe-inspiring, and we should praise and revere You. Lord, thank You for choosing and calling us to take up the cross and follow You. You have promised that all who labor and are burdened can come to You and find rest. We humbly ask that You grant us enough faith to surrender all things to Your sovereignty, to submit to Your guidance, and to find fullness of joy in the Spirit. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!