神的幫助—-撒母耳記上7:12[撒母耳將一塊石頭立在米斯巴和善的中間, 給石頭起名叫以便以謝, 說:”到如今耶和華都幫助我們.”][釋義]”以便以謝”原文意思是”耶和華幫助”.  立石紀念是信仰的告白與信仰的勝利.  “到如今”三個字, 指著以往, 也指著將來.  因為當我們寫或讀”到如今”這三個字的時候, 我們的人生還沒有結束, 更多的道路要走, 更多的試煉, 更多的勝利;  更多的禱告, 更多的回應; 更多的跋涉, 更多的力量; 更多的爭戰, 更多的凱旋;然後疾病. 老年與死亡.  求主給我們天上的亮光, 叫我們的眼目能看見”到如今”三個字裡面的榮耀與盼望.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 回顧祢過去的保守眷顧. 心中充滿感謝.  到如今, 因著祢的恩典與幫助. 我們方能平安與得勝.  我們願謙卑自省, 思考祢的義, 存謙卑的心, 做祢的門徒, 遵守祢的誡命.  求主憐憫我們的軟弱, 經常忘記, 𠕇祢的恩典與幫助, 我們才能諸事順利.  求祢加添我們靠主得勝的信心, 能夠竭力持守真道, 儆醒禱告, 力行主道, 結出聖靈的果子.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

God’s Help: 1 Samuel 7:12 [Samuel took a stone and set it up between Mizpah and Shen. He named it Ebenezer, saying, “Thus far the Lord has helped us.”] [Explanation] The original meaning of “Ebenezer” is “The Lord helps.” The setting up of a stone as a memorial is both a confession of faith and a victory in faith. The phrase “thus far” points both to the past and the future. When we write or read the words “thus far,” our lives are not yet finished. There is still more road to walk, more trials, more victories; more prayers, more answers; more journeys, more strength; more battles, more triumphs; and then, sickness, old age, and death. May the Lord give us heavenly light, so that our eyes can see the glory and hope within the words “thus far.” [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, as we look back on Your past care and protection, our hearts are filled with gratitude. Until now, it is by Your grace and help that we have found peace and victory. We humbly examine ourselves, reflecting on Your righteousness, and with humble hearts, we strive to be Your disciples, keeping Your commandments. Lord, have mercy on our weaknesses, for we often forget Your grace and help, which are the source of our success. Please strengthen our faith in victory through You, so that we may strive to uphold the truth, be watchful in prayer, practice Your word, and bear the fruits of the Spirit. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!