王的治理—撒母耳記8:19-20[百姓不肯聽撒母耳的話. 說”不然, 我們定要一個王治理我們.  使我們像是列國一樣, 有王治理我們, 統領我們, 為我們爭戰.”][釋義]百姓堅持要立王, 以為有了新的領導人, 就會使國家完善.  但新領導人並不會順服神, 問題仍會繼續不斷的發生.  我們所需要的是共同的信仰, 同心信靠神.  如果我們求神引領我們, 卻繼續按照世人的標準和價值觀去行, 順服神就變得有名無實.  從古至今, 政客層出不窮的愚弄百姓, 欺凌百姓.  但百姓仍情願引鴆止渴, 堅持”定要一個王治理我們,”.  時至今日, 如果我們仍以為透過選擧就可以把命運掌握在自己的手中, 真是異想天開.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌. 祢每日的看顧, 並賜下滿的恩典與祝福. 有時我們就像當年的以色列人, 因為眼前的艱難而遺忘祢以前的恩典.  求主加添我們的信心, 愛神愛人, 凡事因祢有盼望.  求祢的國與祢的義, 凡有所缺乏的, 祢就會加給我們.  禱告是奉主耶穌的名, 阿們!

The Reign of the King – 1 Samuel 8:19-20 [But the people refused to listen to Samuel. They said, “No! We want a king to rule over us. Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.” ] [Explanation] The people insisted on having a king, believing that a new leader would perfect the nation. However, this new leader would not submit to God, and problems would continue to arise. What we truly need is a shared faith and unity in trusting God. If we ask God to guide us but continue to act according to worldly standards and values, our obedience to God becomes meaningless. Throughout history, politicians have repeatedly deceived and oppressed the people, yet the people continue to demand, “We must have a king to govern us.” Even today, if we still think that through elections we can control our destiny, it is pure fantasy. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your daily care and the abundant grace and blessings You bestow upon us. Sometimes, like the Israelites of old, we forget Your past grace due to the difficulties we face. Please strengthen our faith, help us to love God and love others, and find hope in all things through You. When we seek first Your kingdom and righteousness, You will provide for all our needs. We pray in the name of Jesus, Amen!