撒母耳膏立掃羅—-撒母耳記上10:1[撒母耳拿瓶膏油倒在掃羅頭上, 與他親嘴說:”這不是耶和華膏你作祂產業的君嗎?] [釋義]以色列王即位時, 不但加冕, 還被膏立.  加冕是政治儀式, 使君王統治全國.  受膏則表示君王成為神的代表, 屬於宗教禮儀.  膏油是用橄欖油. 沒藥和其他貴重的香料調和而成.  膏油澆在掃羅頭上, 預表神聖靈的大能臨到他身上.  親嘴是愛的交通.  先知向人說話, 不只要在聖靈和能力裡, 也要在愛的交通裏.  神的話語臨到什麼人身上, 神的付託也就放在什麼人身上.  神的膏油就是聖靈, 膏油倒在人的頭上, 乃是叫人得著能力來執行神所付託的,  在神的手中成為一個有用的器皿.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝. 感謝祢的看顧與帶領. 使我們在祢的恩典中. 平安度過每一天.  求神繼續幫助我們, 賞賜我們從聖靈而來的力量, 使我們如掃羅王得到大大的感動, 成為新人, 能夠脫去舊人的軟弱與束縳, 立志謙卑, 順服, 熱忱, 成為神合用的器皿.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Samuel Anoints Saul — 1 Samuel 10:1 [Samuel took a flask of oil, poured it on Saul’s head, kissed him, and said: “Has not the Lord anointed you ruler over His inheritance?”] [Explanation] When the king of Israel was enthroned, he was not only crowned but also anointed. The crowning was a political ceremony, granting the king authority to govern the nation, while the anointing was a religious rite, signifying that the king became God’s representative. The anointing oil was a mixture of olive oil, myrrh, and other valuable spices. When the oil was poured on Saul’s head, it symbolized the power of the Holy Spirit coming upon him. The kiss represented a loving relationship. When prophets speak to people, they must do so not only in the Spirit and power but also in loving fellowship. When God’s word comes upon someone, so does His calling. The anointing oil, representing the Holy Spirit, is poured on a person’s head to give them the power to carry out the tasks entrusted by God, making them a useful vessel in His hands. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your care and guidance, allowing us to live in peace each day through Your grace. We ask for Your continued help, granting us strength from the Holy Spirit. May we, like King Saul, be deeply moved and transformed into new people, shedding the weaknesses and restraints of our old selves. Help us resolve to be humble, obedient, and zealous, becoming vessels fit for Your use. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!