王者風範—-撒母耳記11:13[掃羅說:”今日耶和華在以色列中施行拯救, 所以不可殺人.] [釋義]孟子梁惠王上也有類似的話語:”不嗜殺人者能一之.” 戰爭本無勝利希望卻獲空前大勝, 過去反對掃羅的人, 眾人皆欲殺之, 卻為掃羅所寬赦, 因他知道這是神自己在施行拯救, 不獨佔己功.  他也不因為百姓的擁戴, 就乘機去淸算那些反對派.  仇敵可以被改變為朋友.  馬太福音5:44 耶穌說:”要愛你們的仇敵, 為那逼迫你們的禱告.”[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢全知, 全能, 我們的好處不在祢以外.  掃罗在被主選招之時, 謙卑, 尊主為大, 主與他同在, 使他爭戰十分順利.  這讓我們看見, 唯有依靠主, 才能走在穩健的道路上, 唯有看重神的命令, 才能不陷入魔鬼的網羅.  主啊! 懇求祢的聖靈充滿我們, 使我們在人生漫長路上, 尊主為大, 不偏離祢的道, 成為見証主的美好器皿.  願主眷改帶領, 一切榮耀頌讚都歸於祢的聖名, 阿們!

The Demeanor of a King: 1 Samuel 11:13 [Saul said, “Today the Lord has brought salvation to Israel, so no one should be put to death.”] [Explanation]There is a similar saying in Mencius, King Hui of Liang: “Those who do not delight in killing can unify the people.” There was no hope of victory in the war, yet they won an unprecedented triumph. In the past, those who opposed Saul were now sought after by the people to be killed, but Saul pardoned them, for he knew it was God Himself who had brought salvation, and he did not claim the victory for himself. He also did not take advantage of the people’s support to settle scores with his opposition. Enemies can be transformed into friends. In Matthew 5:44, Jesus said, “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are all-knowing and all-powerful, and all good things come from You. When Saul was chosen by You, he was humble and honored You as the greatest. You were with him, making his battles victorious. This shows us that only by relying on the Lord can we walk a steady path, and only by valuing God’s commands can we avoid falling into the devil’s trap. Lord, we earnestly pray for Your Holy Spirit to fill us, so that on the long journey of life, we will honor You and not stray from Your way, becoming vessels that bear witness to Your goodness. May the Lord guide and lead us, and may all glory and praise be to Your holy name. Amen!